I think some of us don't believe we're worthy of help or whatever.
We feel shame that we need it, we feel weak if we receive it.
We're afraid of how we'll be perceived bc we don't have a very positive perception of ourselves, at times, maybe?
Sometimes it's easier to accept help and companionship and compliments than other times.
Maybe we're afraid we'll break down in tears, so grateful would we feel, for a kind word we thought would never come?
Sometimes we're afraid people will see too much of us, maybe it touches on your students insecurity about how smart/not smart they are, or how bad their study habits are or how disorganized they are or maybe they have issues they don't understand, like a learning disablility that makes them question more things about themselves?
When we're feeling stronger and happier, more confident.... communication is easier on the whole.
When we're coming from a position of perceived weakness.... it get's more complicated and difficult to navigate, IMO.