Thank you sooo much. You bet it helps.
This is what resonates with me and what I’m trying to achieve:
instead of dealing with "issues" or emotional blockages, instead of being almost totally focussed on negative things I've experienced or fell that I am - I'm now at the point of freedom to live like a person who never experienced abuse. To get on with my life, instead of needing to "fix" my self.
I'm feeling this now, yearning to get on w/ my life. I've already surveyed the damage and I'm weary of trying to fix. I want to move on and I think I'm ready to do so.
the more I focus on the positive in my life - or seeking it out - the less I "need" those old defense mechanisms
Yes. The other day, I was thinking negative thoughts and I noticed I got a bad pain in my head. So, I told myself that the negative thoughts are causing me neuro damage, so I'll try to lay off the negative and look at the positive.
the sense that whatever comes at me in life henceforth, won't overwhelm me; won't paralyze me emotionally again. I feel I'm in control of my self - emotions included. It's a work in progress, though I imagine I'll experience disappointments or unfulfilled needs again, too. Maybe even the old pain. But I know how to deal with it now.
I'm also getting this feeling: that I won't let disappointment paralyze me. But, this is a tough one.
that memory that was lost for so long to me and the amazing realization that came through recovering it, that I'd grown up with emotional abuse - that whole thing is settling down into being simply one chapter of my life - not the end all/be all of "me". The emotions are still there; still raw... I can call them up if I have a need to doublecheck what I think I know about something. But they're not present much in my current awareness of myself; my current life. That lost episode is no longer an obstacle to living a full, rich, happy life. It USED to be, for sure. I can set goals and do what's needed to attain them. That always eluded me before.that memory that was lost for so long to me and the amazing realization that came through recovering it, that I'd grown up with emotional abuse - that whole thing is settling down into being simply one chapter of my life - not the end all/be all of "me". The emotions are still there; still raw... I can call them up if I have a need to doublecheck what I think I know about something. But they're not present much in my current awareness of myself; my current life. That lost episode is no longer an obstacle to living a full, rich, happy life. It USED to be, for sure. I can set goals and do what's needed to attain them. That always eluded me before.
Yes, it's one chapter of our lives, but it's not all we are. We are more than the abuse we suffered.
I think I really was an adrenalin addict, which was horrible for my blood pressure and grew into an acceptance of unusually high anxiety levels... and a searching for or creating "problems" to keep myself constantly on the same level of alert.
Me too!! My family was almost always in a state of anxiety and I now see how destructive that was for me. The other day, I was awfulizing the future and then I became conscious of it, so I stopped.
Those first & second phases - I don't think they go completely away. They're like those feelings - it's all a part of me. I just won't be spending as much time "there" anymore. I don't think I want them to go away, either; they're are as much a part of me, as my freckles... it's who I am. Accepting me, nurturing me, helps get me turned toward how to make lemonade out of lemons; putting those strengths to use in a positive way.
Yes, I won't be spending as much time there either, but on the other hand, they are like my freckles. I just won't be focusing on my freckles as much.
Thank you so much Amber. You describe this beautifully.