She probably gets a lot of attention/supply at that station (because of what she spends). There's no limit to what grand/foolish things an N will do. To get attention.
My boss, who's absolutely lousy on camera, insists on being in all our commercials himself, even though he has a trained Shakespearean actor on staff who'd do a brilliant and 1000 times better job on staff. Likewise, he sometimes sabotages my work because he can't stand to have someone do something better. All this even costs him money, utlimately. Fortunately, the business is doing well. But I think his ego may prevent some successes.
My mother gave away a very valuable map collection, my father's, shortly after he died, to a foreign country. Not a word to my brother or me. But she got her name in the paper locally and over there, and the local university came and sort of groveled over her at tea. That was worth tossing out a man's legacy. She preened about it for years.