This is a little story, very little, about my Nmom and co-dependent dad...I say it is about them both because each of them had a role in it....Of course, the behavior of each angered me no end....but I guess that will never change.
It was a simple, but aggravating situation. I have an Nmom, Nsis and co-dependent dad. Each night my Nmom and Nsis who are completely joined at the hip, talk on the phone for at least two hours (my Nmom won't even spare five minutes for my brother or I, even when he initiates calls). Anyway, my co-D dad was driving me home from the train today...As we were entering the driveway of the house, his phone rang (think Bat Phone for Narcissists)....The cell phone indicated that yes, indeed, it was that time of day..when my utterly self-absorbed Nsis called in.
The cell phone was in my dad's pocket and it rang a few times (he is not tech-savvy at all). BUT, rather than wait the two minutes it would have taken to finish pulling into the garage, parking and walk inside the house, he immediately put stopped the car, kept it running, started talking with my Nsis and ran hurriedly into the house with the phone to my Nmom so she could take the "oh so important" daily call. My Nmom, in turn, stopped what she was doing (she was in the midst of eating dinner), ran hurriedly to my dad so she could take the cell phone, and hid herself away in a back room, dinner plate in hand, so she could sit down and begin her nightly two-hour call with my Nsis....Never acknowledged me or said hello or anything.
And, (and I apologize if this grosses people out), but when my Nsis calls and my Nmom has to, um, take a needed bathroom break, rather than telling my Nsis she'll call her back or cut the conversation short, she'll go into the bathroom with the cell phone and continue the conversation there. TO me, that's just rude and gross....particularly since whenever my brother calls or I ask her something, she quickly will tell us she has no time to talk to us....She never even calls my brother back when he leaves messages..
I know this is a silly little situation but it makes me craaaaaazy!!!......Both of them just jump like little frogs when she calls or wants something yet completely ignore their other two kids and grandkid....Disgusting if you ask me......
Anyway...had a lousy day to begin with and it culmninated with this little episode so I just had to vent....