It is SO weird that you ask that question,now ,b/c I was just figuring out things like that, this morning.
I have come to a huge conclusion about my life,, how I got this bad(emotionally distorted). I got the answer which was simple, but it had been eluding me,all this time. I had to get it ,"in the heart" for it to mean anything.'
The answer is I am healthy to the degree that I have my OWN power and unhealthy to the degree that I give it up to anyone(parents, parents thought systems, any external thought systems)
So, my answer to your question was that you retained your own power in certain areas, BUT gave it up in certain areas, too. The places ,in which you gave it up caused you problems. For example, if you took on your Ms viewpoint about you and then felt "worthless,"bad", selfish,valueless, only good when you performed etc.
For me, a huge piece of the puzzle kicked in.My M convinced me that I was "bad" when I had my own power and autonomy. THAT was what my "bad" thoughts were, all this time.
I think that pockets of us, Beth, retain health and pockets get sick ,in order to survive the sick family . You stayed healthy ,in certain areas is my take on your question.
Thanks for all your kind posts to me, Beth. I really appreciate it! Love Ami