Darren....something else. As children we are very vulnerable and rely on our caregivers as protection. When parents fail to provide this and present a danger to our very self one of our brains' automatic and unconscious solutions to protect us is the abilty for us to form illusions thereby escaping the pain we cannot feel then. Abuse does exactly this......as we are abused the tremendous pain we feel as the child without protection fearing death cannot be carried by the child alone. Illusions then form in its mind where he/she begins to think its about himself this assures better control and provides protection in his thinking. He feels more in control. Breaking these illusions produce a lot of pain as an adult but what we are feeling is the pain of the child back THEN. The very real fear of death by the child still survives in the adult and thats why we so strongly resist change and have a difficult time understanding why this occurs. How many of us as adults live now is really how were were then. All of this seems real because of our repression of very strong and dangerous feelings. Difficult to break down that sort of defense system. Trusting others is a good place to start if they are trustworth and we feel safe as we share old fears we have been unable to process before. James
This is very profound, James.I must feel many deep, scary feelings that were there when I was "forced" to give up my power.
I CAN understand hiding in the bathtub---very well.
When I was in college, in the basement of my dorm, were the professors offices. At night, no one was there,so I would sit in the dark, curled in a ball.
I MUST be my own mother. I have abdicated my life ,up to this point. My H is my substitute mother--bleh. . I thought I found my "good" mother, and I found my "real' mother.
I have been looking for my mother in everyone and everything,and still are.
My answer is to BE my mother, a good one, this time.
The thought seems daunting,but has a sliver of wonder and hope , too.
Hugs to you, James Ami