Free will of man and woman means choice; a choice to do that which is healthy, helpful and wholesome for someone, or to do that which is unhealthy, and yes, abusive -- some may say, plain evil (that taboo word).
The one true God of the Bible (and not just a god) however, is a God of comfort, love, and guidance, for good.
Likewise, having read people's heartrending posts, I too, have been abused in the guise of "religion" -- in organized "religion" wherein the hierarchy / leaders / lay people --- simply "Twist the Scriptures" to suit their dogmas and/or manipulative purpose etc (fear and control).
There is a huge difference, in taking scripture in context as it was, and is, written -- and twisting the scripture, with deliberate misinterpretation.
The thing is, who twists the scripture? Certainly, not God.
Presently, I am reading a book entitled "Twisted Scriptures" by Mary Alice Chrnalogar (Breaking Free from Churches that Abuse).
Churches and those in leadership etc., are the abusers --- not God.
The God of the Bible, whom I personally know, love and serve - has only ever been a God of comfort, love and guidance, working to the good, for me, in my life. My abusers made their own free will choice to behave as they did, against me, and against others too.
What helped me, was studying the scriptures, just as the Bereans did, and they knew the scrolls, so how much more should I check to see if what has been said is true, or not!
Love to all,