I think that I want to feel safe and then perhaps I can forgive or accept. I don't hate my dad and in fact I feel very much for him and his struggles and have a lot of anguish for his limitations and how that confines his vision. He's so rigid and unseeing. And he suffers so much, really, really much, for himself. I would do anything, if there was anything I could do. But while I am busy thinking of what I can do for him, he is busy thinking what he wants me to do for him and so on, and taking bites out of me at his leisure. And it is just so toxic and I never can save him or help him, it's all just more worse and worse and lower and lower.
So I want to feel safe and free.
For years I thought forgiveness was the exact same thing as submission. That surrender meant the same thing as abandoning myself. And that acceptance meant the same thing as total resignation.
I'm still working that stuff out. And I need to feel safe space to do it in. Safety from the kind of daily horror and despair that relating with my Dad brings me, that is my burning need.