So you were used only as fuel to keep NM going? Is that what you mean here?
Yes, I think there is a lot of fear and confusion with an NM.
So... what now for you? What does this mean for you?
Love, Beth
Dear Beth,
My process is one of bringing the truth forward out of the shadows of my unconcious. My truths of my pain have many layers.
This is a very deep layer of baby Lise who was primarily seen has NS by her mom. Seeing this truth, having my unconcious play with the little symbols, such as the table and the helpless doll; is my unconcious trying to act out the story. At one time in my life this memory was buried so deep but now it is on the surface, therefore, the ways in which I still cling to my own unhealthy N supplies can work themselves out of me.
In 12 step speak, you recall steps 6 & 7 where were are to continue to root out short-comings ("this is what separtates the men from the boys.")
Letting of old ideas, which for me means letting go of old desires that never got fulfilled; such as the desire to been seen by my mom with that sparkle the way loving moms look at their children, you know, that self-less joyful delight parents take in their children.
My mom never looked at me like that. She looked at me as an object to gratify her emotional needs -- she looked at me with hunger.
I have experienced my own hunger for love, my own hunger to be looked at like I am someone special to someone, the deep wish to be wonderful to someone. However, as an adult I do not want to waste my time seeking for self....but recall...God restores us to sanity, all I have to do and can do it look --
see -- stare the ugliness of my own sin head own sin of self-seeking ways that are deeply rooted.
Hope that explains better what I am sharing.