What is the relationship between language and reality? Between reality and truth? What is the meaning of meaning?
I just love this stuff.
For a shared world, for a sense of self in the world, we need intersubjectivity. We can only communicate if we're reasonably confident the other person designates the world in a similar way, that 'hip' refers to an out-of-date lifestyle, haha.
Lying kills a shared world. Abusing language, such as calling sadism 'discipline', or alleging that mistreatment is 'for your own good' reduces a child's grip on reality. It's crazy-making. That's the flip side.
There is a higher lying, though. Playfulness. Poetry. Creating new meanings, looking for new associations of sound, images, words. Re-inventing reality through different words.
I did that quite literally (I'm a very literal person, ha), I went abroad and learned other languages (so did you, I believe?), such as English. The joy of it! Making the world new by renaming it, every little thing, every feeling, every thought. Being born again to clear, unpolluted language.... (of course we both know it doesn't quite work like that, but what a marvellous illusion. Better than falling in love. A marvellous lie.
Hugs to you Beth,