Debkor: Your story sounds like my mom's, in that she was married to an N but not raised by one. She never lost a child but my NF always made sure she knew he was with another woman while she was in the hospital giving birth. So sorry for your terrible loss. Hope this is a good place for healing for you. And it wasn't your fault.
Ami: My point, in asking Izzy what she felt was beneficial about her comment (I chose one comment, could have chosen several) had only point: there was no answer, and thus none what forthcoming. If I were you, I could not react with compassion to what she has written, as Debkor did so poignantly, but I'd only add this: it really had nothing to do with you. It was a selfish and, let's face it, bizarre and rather confused reaction to a bunch of hypothetical conclusions drawn by someone who doesn't know you, didn't know Scott, has no idea what happened. When the initial assault didn't seem to work, there was a secondary, equally if not more bizarre, schoolyard bully "won't come out and fight, eh?" follow-up that left me wondering, frankly, if Izzy had chugged just a little too much proof that God loves us.
Hey, I'm new here, I'm just in it to help and be helped as best I can, so maybe in this case it's fair to consider all potential causes of that little diatribe. None of us know who we're talking to, or what their particular situation is. Grieving, homicidal, suicidal, nun, felon, sane or not sane.