Hi Towrite,
I really should find my post where I kind of tell my story. I'm not too great about talking about myself. Found out about 3-4 years ago that my parents were Ns. Married and divorced an N.
I feel like my life, prior to discovering Narcisscim, was an illusion. Turns out my parents were very controlling, but I never knew that, I thought whatever they did for and to me was because they 'loved' me, at least that's what they told me. "We're screaming at you, punishing you, hitting you for your own good, because we care". yucck!!
I'm going to start doing EMBR therapy with a therapist. EMBR therapy is a new(ish) therapy to heal trauma. Hopefully, the EMBR will re-program my brain. I'll let the Board know how it goes and if it works.
I guess I don't want to go into all my nitty gritty details because I don't want to re-live my traumas. Writing about my past gives me headaches and anxiety and I'm trying so hard to live in the present and be thankful for what I do have in the here and now.
w/ love,