Thanks, GS. I do feel your compassion.
Ami, same to you. And, no, my FOO never comes thru. I thought about having an angry confrontation with my NM or writing to her - she has already lost one child b/c the FOO refused to help him. The second son is not in good shape now either. Now the daughter. Wonder what she thinks it would say about her as a mother if she lost all 3 kids??? I really hate her. Her offer of support was to take me out to lunch...

Paw - I thought the same thing about CU's. They want me to give them all the $ in my account (pitiful), but my question is - I can't write checks, so how do they propose I get it to them???
Also the friend I'm living with is on disability. She can barely afford to feed herself, let alone me.
So, Izzy, the answer to your question is YES! Don't mean to "shout", but I am just so angry with her. She could help me out for 6 months til I find a job and it would be a drop in the bucket for her. My NF was the same way. I remember years ago I asked him for $40 so I could go to a psychiatrist, and he said 'no'.
Thanks all for your support.