Dear, dear (((((((((((((((((((((Hops))))))))))))))))))),
I'm so sorry for all you are going through. I'm so sorry for not being here earlier to support you. I'm so sickened by the sheer cruelty of your mother and her conniving, rotten son! They are only related to you biologically Hops. Not in any other way. The two of them belong in the same pit.
They have no inkling......not a shred..... of the kindness and goodness that prevails in you. They are pathetic. And you are solid and true, fair and loving.
At the moment, I feel like leaving her there to rot
No one would blame you one bit if you did and I can imagine many would feel exactly the same. She will rot with or without you Hops.
So will he.
Both of them from the inside out.
And matter what happens ......will grow and flourish and bloom and stay kind and good inside. You will remain solid and keep the truth....stay fair and keep on loving. Somethings I bet they both envy and will never, no matter what dirty tricks they play or have matter how nasty they are or try to be....will never, ever be satisfied. Only envious and jealous and full of self-hate and rage.......doomed to behave worse and worse as time goes on because that is all they are capable of (even if they are totally unaware of it).
Hops, I want to send you some of that white light Mum used to always send people and the strongest good vibes possible across this endless cyberspace. I will pray for you but you truly do not need my prayers because you are blessed with a prize worth more than all the houses on earth and all the money too.
You are blessed with a good soul which no amount of material anything can ever buy. Exactly what those two slimy vampires will never have because they only know how to rip and tear, unlike you who generously mends and builds.
Please take care of you, nurture you and protect you. You must!
Sending love and large, big, huge hugs,
Hiya H&H, way back on page 1 and 2! So glad to see your posts and hoping all is well with you! Sending you a big ((((((((((((H&H))))))))) too!