Hi Izzy,
I hear your voice.
However, I am remembering your recent, wonderful engagement by email with your daughter, which was a marvellous breakthrough, and then more recently I read how your daughter had asked YOU Izzy, for advice on the best web development software, to which you expressed being uplifted by the fact that she sought your personal advice, rather than merely running an internet 'google' oror similar, on the subject.
There has been much gentle healing of the distance that occurred between yourself and your daughter, due to external influences by N's. Your daughter's now exH treating you appallingly, that is a fact, and so I feel that in your daughter's heart is much deep sadness, and also regrets too.
Speaking personally, in the shoes of a daughter, I would find your email most heart rending and heart wrenching, simply because in this particular scenario - mother and daughter have had a breakthrough and have been engaging with a spirit (or whichever other word you prefer) of reconciliation, and then comes along an email discussing death.
Separation and Loss are mighty big issues.
And speaking in the shoes as a daughter, who is faced with impending seperation, after some years of seperation and loss in relationship - money is no compensation, for loss, of any kind.
Money cannot buy back the years, the loss, the heartache, the pain.
I have much I could share on this very subject matter, but for now will leave it as simply a perspective whilst standing in your daughter's shoes.
I realized that a coat of sadness covers me as I think about dying. I have signed everythiing over to my daughter and prepaid my funeral, making things so easy for her, but she has things to do to collect the money.
I just realized that when I asked her if this was okay, as I did it automatically, she never answered. She has said nothing. I have emailed and asked her to please talk to me about this!
Truly, hand on heart, I think your daughter has retreated (withdrawal) into her own personal shell - where it feels safe and pain free.
Love to you,
Leah x