Well, it is fair to give an update of my son since everybody is talking about sons. My son never gave me a problem until college. He is going to graduate this year. But he reckt his car and is undrivable, we still have to pay insurance and monthly payment, he wants me to cosigne for another car, I said until this a fully paid I will not cosigne for anything else, he is saving to pay this car in full to release that from my credit and then I will cosign again for anotrher car, in the mean time he is having to be transported by friends and me and girlfriend, crazy, I have to get one hour earlier to be able to take him to university and go to work, those days he sepnd at my house so I can transport him he leaves everything in the leaving room I am about to kill him, lol, wets the bathroom all over, I do not know what does he do in the bath room that it is completely inundated after he takes his bath, the sink is all wet all over after he broshes his teeth, I do not know what odes he do, if he had to leave with me again I would go crazy. I feel guilty that I am not happy that he was spending a few days with me, but it was so much work. I started to resent the hours of sleep and I started scolding him for everythijng and finaly today he took everything, and I left himn ath the university with piaNO, no transportation, bags, clothing, amplifier, computer, and I told him, that after work if he does not have anybody to take him I will take him backl again, but he does not want to. I told him that he will leanr his lesson, that the next car he will take good care of it and appreciate it. He told me that he would call me if he does not get anybody to ride with. I mean to his house, where he lives. At least this is the last week of school for him for now. And When I am on vacation I can drive him around all he needs. And after trhat hopefully we will have the money to pay ofr the old car and get a new one. He still takes dance lessons with me and we dance together and have so much fun as a family dancing. And we play piano together nad have fun and enjoy music. Just yesterday I went to one of his concerts. He played wonderfully. So professional!!!! He plays better than me!!!!!!!!! And in dance class, our teacher told us that he was right and I was wrong because I was correcting his movements. So, her said I would have liked top have a video camara to record the moment when the teacher said that!!!!! I love my son so much!!!!!!
The male teacher at the beginning he was looking at me in an ugly way, and one day he could not resist anymore and asked him where did he meet me, and he said "I met her the day I was born, she gave me birth" And that teacher was nice to me since and said that it was very nice that we were sahing a nice activity as a family. I love my son so much!!!!!
He is extremely intelligent, a little lazy sometimes, a few Cs, more Bs, and a few As. 3.65 GPA, in college senior, I think it is wonderful!!!!! I was a straight A student and I was mad at him at the beginning of college but after five years it is OK.
I love my son so much!!!!!