You are not dumb. Please remove negative tape from brain bank. You are human, we all make mistakes. I do stuff like that all the time and I have no clue about the lock button, huh?? But, isn't great that there are people here to tell us about the lock button, where ever the heck that may be? Guess I'll know it once I hit it.
About your son, do you think that your parents may have said negative things about you in his presence and he is reflecting this? Reminds me of the Dog Whisperer, who I think you like: perhaps it's that your son may not see you as the pack leader, sees your NPs as pack leaders, so your son feels he can dump on you?
Ami, incredible wisdom and insight here. Agree with everything you said.
Any chance you GAVE your mom control over finding your core? Because, if so, you can simply take it back.
That simple - yet not as easy as it sounds.
Phoenix, I agree w/ you very much, but since I have worked on this issue, I would add this:
I didn't GIVE my NM the control because I never HAD it to give. As I work my issues, I'm understanding about control and am giving it to myself, so I can take it back from whomever I gave it to and never give it away again.
Yes, definately not easy; the concept, the idea is simple, but it takes a lot of work to do it, so it is difficult, but, eventually, we can do it, so it can be done.