Thank you all.
Ami, good to know I'm not the only boundary-basher! But since I didn't hear from him this week, I feel let down, and maybe that's a good thing. One thing I don't have too much patience for these days is lack of communication (more accurately, lack of effort to communicate), and being left hanging doesn't feel good so that helps me step back. Likely a very good idea.
Leah, I loved that encouraging story, very heartening. I need to make my peace (again) with the life I have...and find happiness either alone or with animals. A whole lot of this frustration is literally being touch-starved. It's not just sex or even mostly sex, I am mostly missing somebody to touch. I am very affectionate and love to touch people. Poor hypothetical guy, I'd be all over him the way I feel. But...the silver lining is, frustration's a great motivation to EXERCISE!
Lighter, thanks again for the thread, incomprehensibly kind. And you're right. No relaxing about my brother, who surely has not changed. Even though he may not prevail, his character will be the same either way. Thanks. Spine stiffened.
GS, thank you. What you said got me thinking, when I read it again. I am wondering if I am excusing his out-of-control display on our first date (anxiety driven, so I understand, but then, it still hurt me) with his retreat after our most recent (delightful) date. I don't know if those two things mean abuse or neglect, but they just might be harbingers. Hmm. Thank you, GS.
Kell, you just cut to the chase. A lonely woman will overlook a world of hurt. Thank you very very much. Now I am all propped up to be sensible. For at least a week!
Ami, tonight I go to my "3D VSMB" -- a covenant group I love a lot. It's led by an old friend and the women are wonderful. So I'll be better.
I love Sundays.