Author Topic: Help!! Starting to date and it's ... all sorts of things  (Read 1517 times)


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Help!! Starting to date and it's ... all sorts of things
« on: April 17, 2008, 05:39:29 PM »
Hi everyone,

I'm pretty new to this board, haven't met many of you.

This is really embarrassing, and it's really hard to talk about -- certainly would never tell anyone outside my group, except for my very closest friends who know ...

I'm in my early 50s, and due to a LOT of reasons in my life and family background, and even other reasons, I've never really dated anyone. All sorts of reasons -- a huge part of it is expecting abuse, both physical and sexual; also enormous fear of being controlled by a man (my father was very controlling) and deep, deep anger at the prospect of that; and because I was not cared for as a child (neglected and not physically taken care of, as well as not emotionally nurtured; grew up in a real vacuum), I have never been able to believe that someone would be there for me -- I don't have a lot of experience with that other than with my friends and people I know as an adult; and have always thought I'm ugly; and I suffered from depression most of my life (now it just comes and goes, mostly goes) so I never thought anyone would want to deal with that; and I have always been overweight, ranging from a little when I was younger until now, when I am REALLY overweight, and that is just such a no-no with men; ...

...and one of the very, very biggest reasons is that whenever I had something -- anything, be it a tangible thing or a success, my parents, especially my mother, took it away from me, particularly when I surpassed my (older) sister, which I was always going to do; I'm just smarter and more talented. (She has her own smarts and talents, believe me.) I have this long, long legacy of things being taken away from me. My mother wouldn't even let me have a blanket when I was a child; if I found one and took it for myself, she would take it away from me. They took away my dance lessons, my music lessons ... I came home from school one day and found them giving away my horse (we could afford it). On and on and on.

Talk about little voices -- the reason they took things away from me is so that I would stick around and take care of them, meet their needs. (It sounds counter-intuitive, but the child who gets things grows up healthy enough to go out and have a life; if you deprive a child, they don't have/get a life, they keep sticking around hoping to get the things from the parents that they never got. I am SOOO lucky to have found a therapist who understands that and helped me to understand it).

And then the person I loved most on earth, and still do -- my brother, who was also the only one in my family who gave me emotional support and understanding; I am here today because of him -- was injured in a mountain hiking accident. He was severely incapacitated and brain damaged, couldn't speak, communicate, was paraplegic, etc. So, that really cemented the deal -- I always felt that if I did find someone, he would be taken away from me somehow.

That's a lot of off the top of my head rambling, but it's a pretty good list of reasons.

Also, just no one ever asked me out. That actually is a big part of it. I was molested by a man when I was three at the zoo; and over the years as I got older men would try to hit on me SO inappropriately -- a teacher, a co-worker in a business meeting of 500 people, several other instances. I always got away from them, but the point is, they never said anything, never asked me out, never said I was pretty and they liked me or ANYTHING. They just cornered and grabbed and ... whatever. (Fortunately I was able to get away from them.)

For a lot of my life I was very shy and my self-esteem was down in a hole somewhere, so deep I couldn't find it. And I really believed I needed to get myself together before I started dating, so I wouldn't end up with an abusive man. My inner intelligence protected me, in a sense, and kept me safe.

Also, entitlement. That's been my huge issue (as you might imagine, if your parents take everything away from you all the time). I've had trouble feeling entitled to anything -- a blanket (got lots of 'em now!), a man, a life.

My therapist says I'm just very afraid.

So, that gives you a pretty good picture of what I'm up against.

Help!!! I really need help!!!! (Support.) I've worked really hard and in a lot of ways I'm in pretty good shape inside -- my self-esteem is generally pretty good, and I really do think that I have a lot to offer someone ... but the weight thing is really in the way. I'm at this point where emotionally I'm really ready, and know I'd be fine if I connected with someone, but it's going to take a long time, I would think a year, for me to lose the weight (which I am) and for my outside to catch up to my inside.

(I know, I know, friends at work tell me when someone loves you, they love you ... and group members say there's someone for everyone ... but live in the real world. That's just not what happens.)

So, I am afraid on SOOOOO many fronts. It's really hard to be facing this for the first time when you're in middle age. Yikes!! Probably anything at all anyone would have to say would be helpful. I know this is far from the kind of things people seem to discuss here ... but it really does arise from my background and many of the same issues that you all have faced. I feel so stupid -- anyone seems able to go out and do this (although I realize dating is hard at any age) ... it's just something I don't feel very cabable about.


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Re: Help!! Starting to date and it's ... all sorts of things
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2008, 06:35:26 PM »
Dear LilyCat,
 I want to say that I am so glad you are here. You have so much wisdom and express yourself so beautifully. I am very inspired by what you have said in your various posts.
 What hit me about dating was that you should meet s/one with your heart ,first. You want a quality person and you ARE a quality person. If you meet on a heart basis, you will have "real" things in common, not just superficial, maybe,an online dating site.
 As far as trusting men, my main problem was with women. If I had to marry a women, I would be in trouble b/c it is hard for me to trust women. I have had many female friends, whom I trusted,but as far as an intimate relationship, I don't know if I could b/c my M took so much of my basic trust in women, away. I think that you believe in God, in a Biblical way. My suggestion would be what I do when I have issues which are too hard to resolve, ask God to show you the way out.
 I have a few good Bible teaching websites.The teachers are Andrew Wommack and Les Feldick.
 I wish I had more wisdom to impart, Lily Cat. I bet that other people will have more to say.           Love    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

Gaining Strength

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Re: Help!! Starting to date and it's ... all sorts of things
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2008, 07:31:52 PM »
I am so excited for you.  I hear that you are facing a formidable challenge but I see that you have faced many already and done very, very well.  I just turned 50.  It is hard to admit.  I have two, much younger friends, who are single with one boy each  - that's what we have in common.  I haven't been honest with them that I turned 50 in Feb even though I took them and their boys out to dinner to celebrate.   

Back to the point.  I have been single for 7 years and have only be on 1 date.  I am ready to date too.  And while our circumstances are different, it is hard at any age.  Perhaps we can encourage each other. 

I have to go to Cub Scouts in a minute but I have some things to share with you that might help you.

In the meanwhile I want to make this point about your weight and dating.  I love to watch The Biggest Loser.  It is just inspiring to see people set these amazing goals and attain them.  One of the thing that I have noticed is that many of these severely obese men and women seem to have good marriages and loving families.  Some of their spouses are large and some are average and some small.  I just make this point because size does not seem to be the issue.

My point is that weight will be an issue for you because it is your issue not because it is a your potential suitors issue.  I think the only important thing about this is that you just recognize that it is a problem for you and that might help you deal with it.

I encourage you to set your goals and believe that God is going to help you achieve it.  More about that later.

All my best to you - Gaining Strength


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Re: Help!! Starting to date and it's ... all sorts of things
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2008, 08:44:18 PM »
Hey LilyCat,

Hiya!  When I turned 50 I thought, oh boy, but I felt great.  I guess I expected that I should be depressed but I do look forward to the rest of my life.  It was like turning 20 only 30 years later (lol) and with a little more smarts. 

You are going to start dating?  That is exciting and scary and exciting.  Same as when you were younger all those date nerves and stories to tell friends when you get home.  Now you know we will be just waiting for the reports upon return.  You too GS.  Oh and Izzy.  Iz would be lots of fun.  Remember Lily the man you date is probably going to be just as scared as you are.  GS, I laugh because my date now H first met my son as he was flying through the house singing Go, Go, Power Rangers!!!! and my daughter thought she was the little Mermaid ( I think she still wants to be and she's 23 now)lol then we had a lovely lunch at McDonalds what a shock eh, since he never had children of his own before but he took mine on as they were his natural born plus we have one together.   

So your afraid.  So was I after I dumped my ex h.  I had no clue how to date and believe me it was actually fun.  Even with the ones you knew you did not want to date again. I had some doozies. You will have plenty of funny stories.   I had so many laughs and some really good dates. 

They say 40 is the new 30 so that makes us the new 40 if we are 50, whoops I'm 51, so whats a year or two coming very shortly.  Alright I can live with that. 

Anyway, relax and it's your time to enjoy this new and improved life you are going to make for yourself.  I can't wait and I'm excited for you. 

Now what would be really fun is for you and GS to go out on double dates.  Talk in the bathroom while fixing your lipstick about your dates. 

I know you don't feel very capable about dating but it is really no different then we all have felt when we first started.  You have an advantage though because we are older and wiser about life itself.  But I must admit when I had started after my breakup I was nervous.  It was a good nervous though and it does pass.  Once you jump into the water you will get a little more comfortable.

Your T says your just afraid? So was I, So is most people and my friend is dating now and she is afraid but s he's doing it and having the time of her life.

Your time now Lily and GS.  I am rooting for you both.  I can't wait till you can share your date stories with us here (if you want) I hope. 

And Lily, this is a nice discussion.  I enjoyed it.  This is just another part of life to look forward too. 


Gaining Strength

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Re: Help!! Starting to date and it's ... all sorts of things
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2008, 09:20:57 PM »
Here is some text from a little booklet that really helps me.

Insecurity, fear and frustrations of childhood may cause the individual to have the wrong attitude toward life and his or her place in it. Live expecting God's "honor system" to change your insecurity and frustration into success.  God has crowned you with glory and honor.  Jn 17:22 reads, "The glory which thou gavest me, I have given them...."  You have the same glory Jesus had.  You truly have been crowned.

Just ramp up your faith and believe that God will transform your insecurity and frustration about relationships with men and about weight into success.  I believe it for you.


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Re: Help!! Starting to date and it's ... all sorts of things
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2008, 02:06:28 AM »
Hi may be afraid of somethings and thats OK. But i am impressed with your courage to overcome you embarassment and post your topic here. I am sure there are other men out there who place importance on a woman who is both brave, strong, honest and vulnerable. These are very important qualities in my opinion.........Best James


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Re: Help!! Starting to date and it's ... all sorts of things
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2008, 09:05:14 AM »
 That was the sweetest comment. That was what I meant when I told LilyCat that she should try to foster a heart relationship, first. The physical fades fast, if the heart is not there.
            Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Help!! Starting to date and it's ... all sorts of things
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2008, 10:17:53 AM »
Thank you all SO much! You are the best. Once again, I am so glad I found you all.

Ami, thank you. Those were such kind words. I really do understand what you mean about women; I've always been blessed with great friends, but I do have issues with women because of my mother. But not as much as you, I think.

GS, what can I say? Once again you are very wise and kind, and I liked the "excited for you bit." To tell you the truth, for a lot of these 50+ years I used weight as a test -- if someone got past that then he really cared (or whatever)...and we can see how THAT worked out! Deb is so right -- it would be so fun to go out on the town with you!!

And Deb -- OMW (oh my WORD) -- you made me laugh so much!! Thank you. I'm still laughing. What a wonderful outlook you have and an ability to lift others up. Thank you for posting.

And James -- James, James, James -- thank you so much. First of all, it was great to hear from a guy. Second, as Ami said, that was such an awesome and honest and kind reply. Thank you so much.

Oye! I'll let you all know how I do and I promise to give you good stories.

And ladies -- Deb is right. 50 is the new 40. And I guess I'm especially lucky, because I look a lot younger than my age. No one can ever believe how old I am. So, I've got that going for me!!

...if you read my post where I talked about my pastor -- well, I have to tell you, this all started because just about two years ago I saw some middle-aged guy with a slight paunch and a briefcase walking out of his house in the morning, and I thought right then that I would finally like to get married. So I asked God one night to find someone for me, because I knew I would pick the wrong one. So what happens? The next thing I know my N pastor is pursuing me. Which seemed like the most wonderful thing at the time -- I thought I'd won the lottery. ... so that turned out well, with him turning out to be an N and filing two sets of harassment charges on me. It was awful.

Which reminds me -- in the other post about him I neglected to say that he has an illegimate child from an affair 20 years ago. You can't make this stuff up!! Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor??

Anyway -- thanks again everyone -- you're the best!!

PS -- I was just thinking last night how competitive it is where I live. Professionally very competitive, and man, the women look awfully good.


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Re: Help!! Starting to date and it's ... all sorts of things
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2008, 11:29:57 PM »
 :D here's to starting over again to those of us who are 50+!!  I like hearing we're the new 40. Nogadge


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Re: Help!! Starting to date and it's ... all sorts of things
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2008, 10:12:21 AM »
What starting over? We're just beginning. Yea!

Thanks for your post. Nice to meet you!