I think that our emotional "lies" cause us the most stress. For example, I am seeing the need for boundaries. I have been VERY stressed b/c I could not set a boundary well. I could not recieve other's boundaries well, either.
The larger lesson is that I am worth having a boundary.
These two concepts alone will help alleviate stress tremendously.
The lies and distortions cause so much stress.
That is my current thinking, Kelly.
You are going forward on the right track. I know many people in your life need you and value you. They need you to be the best you can be ,so you can be there for them ,and yourself.
There are certain lessons that we must learn ,as adults, when we had an NM, I think.
We have to be in 'Life 101" b/c most of what we learned was lies.
I was just thinking about one lessons from my M.
She taught me that there WERE perfect people . I think she still believes it. * I *was failing,of course, was "worthless" and could be put down b/c I deserved it.I was not perfect, so I was worthless. .
How silly was that idea, about "perfect people" and my own worthlessness.
These are the distortions that cause tremendous stress, for me. Love Ami