I am posting here only because of seasons told me she loves me, lighter told me she loves me, finding peace told me she loves me.
I wish I could speak Englihs as Lea does. I wish I had the huge heart that Gaben has. I so not wish anything of Ami because hse has had a very hard life, and I do not want to be in her place, just to think that the loss of a child is the most horrible tragedy a human being can suffer, makes me bow to her and give her my prayers and my love. I feel so sorry for Ami. I wish I was born in America. LOL
The fact that somebody could think such a ridululus thing makes me give serious thoguths.
What am I doing here?
Too much loneliness I guiess.
Betel, you sound with terrible thinking process. I am sorry to say that. The thinking processs you display is so twisted, that I do not know what to think. It is so rodiculus.
But, hey twins, Lea, Ami, Gaben, think that we cannot let our reputation define us because reputation is in the mind of others and we cannot control what others think. We can only control what we think, and Lea had a wonderful thread on owning oue thoughts.
That is why reputation is not under our control and at the end of the day we are left with ehat we think of out seleves and that depends on how much we love our selves beayse self esteem is only that, what we think of our selves.
God bless you all.
Love to you Ami, Love to you Lighter, Love to you Lea, Gaben and everybody envolved in this silly thing. Even when I am not posting I am get involved against my own will. LOL LOL LOL

And I take this opportunity to tell Izz do not give a S***t what others think of you. LOL LOL LOL

I gues My anxiety medication is taking effect of I would be responding in a different way LOL LOL LOL