I hear you GS and send you my strong support. My T said something to me 10 years ago that I continue to find very helpful. I will plug the concept of shame into what she said.
When something really huge happens in your life, such as the degree of shaming you have experienced, it is like a mountain. When you are very close to it, it dominates the entire landscape and you can't see past it. Then when you are on the mountain, you are struggling to survive. Finally you leave the mountain behind, but your life path circles around the mountain on its way past, so that even though it is over and you are on your way, the mountain is still something you often see in the landscape, but it gets gradually smaller as you move on and away.
Another way to think of it is that you don't move in a straight line in life, so much as spiraling around. So it seems we come back to the same places again and again, but actually they are slightly different each time.
I hope these ways of thinking about it help when you encounter the feelings.