Well, I've been talking to my aunt and a couple of people who are close to me about how I think my mom has NPD. trying to finally put things into perspective. These people have been supportive and validating. I've been feeling really angry at my mom remembering how we were raised, and about her leaving my dad for his friend, and abandoning me as a baby. Also my brother seems ot be falling into the role of Somatic NPD and has been serially cheating on my SIL and they are now getting a divorce. My brother is acting so evil, and I do blame my mom. I know she blames my dad, but my brother was always fine and acted great as a boy around my dad, it was when we were at mom's house that he started acting like a little devil. My dad is pretty normal, mom's the sweet-n-sour N.
So I hadn't talked to my mom in over a month. Today she called me and I felt SO NERVOUS and shaky as I answered the phone. I acted liking everything was fine and I had no problem with her. How could I? I just fall back into my old ways of interacting with her. and then feel like I'm being untrue to myself. But she is so sweet and demure with me now-- it's like, what I ALWAYS craved my whole childhood-- her approval, for her to show ME that sweet side-- and now I finally have it, and it makes me feel like a whore-- well, I am one of her main sources of N supply right now, since she has no friends, and I am one of her only successful offspring. I just cannot be honest with her about how I feel (mad, critical, dissaproving, abused) or what I really think (brother and SIL's issues are her fault, and she's wrong about my dad, and-- worst of all-- I realize now that I should have picked my dad in the custody battle when I had the chance, instead of refusing to choose sides).
Well, so I did pick up the phone, and acted normal as possible, if not as warm as usual, and we talked briefly about my brother's marriage that is unraveling and she sighed and asked "well, what can I do? I've done all I can, you know?" and I was like, "yeah", but inside I know that all of this is because she really destroyed his soul when he was a child.
And yet that voice on the phone is so sweet and vulnerable and fragile and well--intentioned . . . .
This is so confusing. Why do I feel like the b!tch here?
My stomach is all tied in knots. Help.