I have been going over this in my mind, another memory.
When I was about 16 my brother and I were having a quick cup of coffee together during our break, next door to our family business.
It was very unusual for him to spend time with me. As we sat there he all of a sudden, out of the blue said,
"seasons, if something happened to mom and dad who would you CHOOSE TO LIVE WITH, NARCISSISTIC #1 OR NARCISSTICE #2
Hi did not call them narcissistic, but by name with a big grin on his face. Like oh boy your life would S### with either one.
I was horrified, because this was one of my biggest fears, them. They always tried to act like authority figures to me.
Why did he ask me such a sick question? He wouldn't of wanted to be in their care either if he were underage?
It was like a joke to him, he wasn't their victim I was. He saw that? And rejoiced in it, why?
He enjoyed to see me so VULNERABLE to them. How did he know my biggest nightmare? I thought it was my secret.
seasons remembering way back how I wanted NC for survival. Of course at the time not knowing from what?