(((Ami))) and (((everyone on this topic)))
I really relate to everything shared here and shared a story from my past elsewhere that is relevant here, so you know I understand your experiences, all.
I gave up hope and desire for myself too Ami, so I did not build toward a future at all, but just drifted along without a plan or any effort to steer. I felt that hope was fruitless, that it was wrong to leave or want to leave (the family, but in my case - dad) and desire was wrong -selfish. Was taught that.
In reading your post Ami it struck me anew how you were coached to be an object for your mom's use to reflect upon herself always, to be available for that purpose, to never object. Earlier I read a post where you were talking about how the Nfamily is like a cult - it is! So true. Reality is what they say it is - who are you going to believe - them or the evidence of your own eyes. And you better say 'them.' 
I'm really appreciating what everyone is sharing here and I want to say I particularly love what James said, that he will 'not protect your parents.' Thank you for that statement James. And also for saying that the lie is the worst and that living with truth is worth it.
Thank you for that post, Iphi.
I DO feel the emptiness of a cult member. I look inside to what SHOULD be a rich world of feelings, thoughts and emotions, and there is a blank. I never really faced it or talked about it,but it IS there, a blank, where a "person" should be. It feels good to face it. It feels like a relief.
Obviously, no one would become a "blank" if they could have maintained the "richness" of their own inner experience. They became a blank b/c they HAD to.
My shock at learning of Scott's death taught me so much. It happened in an 'instant" and I was fully aware of it. I saw myself move from one state(conscious awareness) to another state(shock, numb, unreal). It happened in an instant and it was involuntary.
I see how we ,as children, did the same thing. Our "problems" could be called all sorts of names,but they were "shock'(IMO)
Many therapies put the fault on you, the victim, the TRUE victim.
James showed me the way out, to feel those deep ,blocked feelings, and I have hope, for the first time, really, that I can heal,in a true way, not just "words".
Love Ami