Yes James - I did experience a whole lot of being with my emotions. But working with my T, she wouldn't allow me to get "stuck" in re-experiencing the emotions - have them, feel them, and then take a break - do something that makes me feel GOOD, too - and then talk about them. She was teaching me, I think, that I could feel everything - not just the radioactive waste stuck in my unconscious...
I have no idea what philosophy my T follows - but with my obsessive nature, it was vital that I didn't continue "banging my head on the brick wall" of those emotions, over & over. I mean: how else was I going to feel about what happened to me? I was going to be hurt, I was going to be extremely angry... sad... afraid...
and her role was to help me feel better. That is, after all, the goal of therapy.
Because in the end, what I've come to is that those awful feelings were exactly the correct response to the situation I was facing. The only reason I had those feelings in my present life (inappropriately), was because what I'd suppressed were the facts, the events, the memories... of what happened to me. Once the memories came back - the emotions lifted from my present life. (They still exist in conjunction with the memories...and all that's in the past and doesn't affect me NOW...)
It's a fine line, I guess - between sitting with a feeling, working with it - and walking the dangerous edge of immersing yourself in a feeling without the possibility of a constructive result. For me, that would be hopelessness - total lack of power to control my own feelings and life - and I surely don't have any desire to go there, especially doing it to myself. Absolutely not useful to my healing, at all. Absolutely a dangerous place to go...
because if you accept hopelessness, despair, lack of control of your own emotions without the possibility of a benefit... to me, this is self-abuse. There is really only so much pain we can bear as humans - and I believe that Ami has borne way more than her share. I'm only suggesting that maybe it's time to put that burden down and try another path... maybe in addition to sitting with the emotions.