Hi Bunny,
Have to agree with you. However, I can add my mother's story to tigerlily's. My mother took care of her Nstep-mother for years without a thank you or any kind of appreciation. just request after request. This involved numerous trips to doctors 45 minutes away on a weekly basis, grocery and laundry errands, dinners at our house. She was a pill.
The Stupid People: My mother spilled her guts to the pastor who replied that Stepmom told him numerous times how won-der-ful my mom was to do all this for her (to look good to Pastor). Never a word to my mother. My mother said, she doesn't say it to me. Then after she died, Stepmom's best friend had the gall to call my mother up and dress her down for treating her so shabbily! "What's wrong with you? Why were you so mean to her?" My mother, who never argues, finally found her voice. "There were TWO people, the public X and the private X. I knew BOTH! So mind your own business!!"
Wow. I was so proud of her when I heard that story. But it really hurt her to know that here she was bending over backward and not getting anything in return except the ol' character assassination. I hate that. It was pretty awful. Fortunately Stepmom's sister was around to validate my mother's perceptions. So the bottom line is, some adult children do the noble thing and get dumped on in front of family members, as is Tigerlily.
What do these weirdos really want? Not peace, not love. Drama.