Author Topic: The Narcissists ball  (Read 1432 times)


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The Narcissists ball
« on: May 06, 2008, 04:46:44 PM »
A little ditty to lighten my current predicament.... xxx

So they came one and all
They showed up at Corruption Hall
For the narcissists ball

It was a battle of the egos
They forgot to leave them at the door
They arrogantly strutted in
Oh God it was a bore
The downtrodden staff were waiters
They grimaced with plastered on smiles
And behind the scenes
They were mortified
But they went that extra mile

At the narcissists ball

Chief Narcissist was on a roll
With the little N’s behind
Bowing, nodding and smiling
They toed the party line
There were a few who shed a tear
At the dreams they had been told
They were beginning to recognise
That the lies were getting old
And the beds were growing cold
As more crap to them was sold..

At the Narcissists ball

And in the cellar down below
Integrity was kept,
bound and gagged and sacrificed
For her principles she wept..

‘Integrity has failed us
We don’t need her on the floor
She didn’t sell her soul to us
Let’s torture her some more’

We’ll tell them she’s a traitor
And we had to let her go
We’ll trample on her principles
And then they’ll never know
We’ll invent some bloody monstrous lie
And ruin her career
Then we’ll go on and rule the world
No one will ever hear…

Remember the lovely finance man
We did away with him
And of course we got away with it
Buy buying him a pen

And the gardener that just disappeared
No one will ever suspect
That he’s buried in the compost
Cos he questioned the budget

And so the dancing carries on
The music’s on repeat
An endless song of bullshit
But there’s fabulous food to eat
At Corruption Hall

At the Narcissists Ball…

I am so furious and angry..  N boss has told me I have to stay at home until we can have a meeting..  on Thursday...  Where she will call the shots!!!!!

i am not allowed to have contact with the staff. All cos I have resigned

Spy xxx


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Re: The Narcissists ball
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2008, 11:37:12 PM »
Hi Spy,

Don't know the details of what's going on for you as I've been away from here for awhile.  I saw your post had "O" responses and so, ofcourse, I just won't resist at least saying a word or two.

Might not help but maybe a little?

To know that I hear your frustration and anger today and I think you did a royal job on that poem up there as a means of expressing it (and I can see them all dancing and prancing too!).  Good going on releasing that stuff.  Sometimes it's all a person can do eh?

I hope things work out for you (I have a feeling resigning might be a very good move for you by the sounds of the reception it got).  Nasty Boss!! 

Sending you warm thoughts and a big ((((((((((((((((((hug))))))))))))))))).

This will be over soon and you will move on to bigger and much better employment, I predict!
(peers into glass ball  :shock:).



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Re: The Narcissists ball
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2008, 09:25:54 AM »
Hi Sela xxx

I am actually terrified of tomorrow.  This feeds into all my childhood stuff and God only knows how I am going to handle it.  She will be in supreme controlling mode because I have resigned from HER treatment centre, and not only that....  I have dared to tell her why...

love from a tiny terrified Spyralle xxxxx


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Re: The Narcissists ball
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2008, 10:24:07 AM »
Why do you owe her a meeting if you've already resigned?
Or maybe it's because it's your last day there?

I've been in jobs where they have "exit interviews", ostensibly because they want to benefit from learning why a person that it?

Anyway, I'm not sure of what is happening but I remember you had concerns about the way the organization was managed a long time back, so it must have all come to a boil.

Will you be okay? Do you have reserves to live on while you look for a new position?

Sending strength and calm (she can't hurt you, imagine her in ratty old underpants),
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The Narcissists ball
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2008, 10:29:44 AM »
Hey Spy,

When you face her *down size her* picture her as a mad, bratty, little girl having a tantrum and keep thinking that way.

Good Luck, Spy, you'll hold your own. 



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Re: The Narcissists ball
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2008, 11:11:23 AM »
Yeah Spy:  You saw her for what she is and resigned.  Basically she has no power over you.  Do not use her as a reference - use another manager or not be afraid.  And guess what?  If I was you............I would call every single employee tonight and tell your tales.  What can SHE do about it??

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: The Narcissists ball
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2008, 11:20:58 AM »
Thanks guys,,,  I don't know what is the matter with me..  i am drowning in massive amounts of absolute terror....  I feel like this is totally out of control.  My whole body is wracked with pain... my teeth are constantly clenched tight shut and I just want to run as fast as I can.  I have no house and now no job and i feel like all my anchors are disintegrating.  Listen to me..  I sound like a total fruit loop How the hell am I going to get through tomorrow..



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Re: The Narcissists ball
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2008, 05:32:32 PM »
5 minutes at a time, and remember, breaaaaaaaaaaaathe.

If you begin to feel overwhelmed, detach as much as you can, go to the lav and sit there and breattttthe.

Remember: your jobs, past or future, are not YOU.

So sorry you're under such terrible stress. Fight back with self-nurturing as much as you can, and let us know...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."