Hi Ami,
This past year I read a book called Cinderella and her Step-Sisters about the envying and the envied.
Did you ever consider that the person who was insulted was simply just turning the other cheek?
Cinderella was perpetual cheek turner, insulted, oppressed, denied, abused. But did she begrudge? Did she retaliate? Did she play the victim role? Did she seek pity? NO.
She saw what was happening to her and she saw who her ugly stepsisters were yet she continued to serve them with gentleness and hope in the goodness of life overcoming the bad, one day. Her goodness was why her stepsisters envied her.
She never despised them as they despised her.
There is even one version of the story, where at the ball, Cinderella feeds her stepsister oranges which are a delicacy. Even after they oppress her, abuse her and deny her she feeds them, forgives them, and loves them.
Why should she not?
I should learn from Cinderella unless that person is a P or an N....then I am running for my life so that I can spread my goodness to others where it will not be taken and smashed.