Hi Darren,
I can really relate to this "mood" you are in. I know depression like the back of my hand, because I've worn it like an old glove most of my life.
I don't know if expressing how I"m
feeling is a good thing and getting in touch with my emotions, or if I'm
just giving in to self pity.
I think we all need to get in touch of our emotions. Especially if they are angry or sad ones. In your life story you said that you suffer from anhedonia. Getting in touch with those emotions is
That is a good thing. Wonderful! I would suggest taking it a step further, like beating the crap out of a punching bag or a mattress. It is okay to feel. ((((((((Darren))))))))
YOU ARE NOT A GREEN COAT! I know that sounds goofy, but it is something that I read about once that really helped me. The idea sort of goes like this:
If you wear a green coat everyday, all day, weekend and weekout. You become associated with that green coat. That's what you see when you look in the mirror. That is what other people see when they look at us.
I picked up that green coat somewhere along the way, put it on, and now it seems a part of me. I would really rather wear a plaid jacket. But I've got to get this darn green thing off first. You really know inside that
you are not a green coat, it's just something that you have
picked up, it's just
covering you up - so stop associating yourself with it.
(I've really worked with this personally.) Do not say "I am depressed." maybe say: "I'm
feeling depressed." Separate the depression from you. I usually try to associate it with a dark cloud going over.
The depression is the dark cloud. It is not me, or part of me. It's just passing over me. There still are lots of times that I have to remind myself over, and over again
firmly. "I am
not depressed! - it's just this dark cloud (of depression) hanging over again." "And it
will pass." Then I pretend to be happy.
I would suggest every single time you say or think "I'm so depressed." You
immediately correct it in your head (or out loud) "No I am NOT depressed, I'm just feeling depressed, and it WILL pass."
I only suggest these things because - I know what it is like to see no reason to go on. I know what it's like to be depressed because I can not allow myself to end it all, I HAVE TO stay here. It just doesn't seem fair sometimes.
I feel so much for youSending peace and love your way

Lost Kitten