I realized today that my M sexually abused me. It was covert sexual abuse. When my friend said the words,"Ami, your M sexually abused you, I started crying". I went in to the "category" of "dirty, disgusting, damaged, soiled, repulsive.
I was in that category, before, in my gut, but now I was , in my mind. I was not the "fake " person any more.
The fake person didn't have any of these things happen to her. The fake person always looked good, so everything was fine.
Now I have some answers as to why my life didn't work, why I took my H's bad feelings and did not fight back. I agreed with him. Now, I know why I did not stand up to my in-laws, until way too late. I agreed with them, too.
My M liked to shock me. She liked to punch me in the stomach ,psychically, and then leer at me, smirk at me.
She would tell me sexual things that were beyond my ability to understand and then laugh at my discomfort.
I see her face, as I come out of denial and it is uglier and uglier, just as it was .
I hate to be in all these categories. Ami