YES! ((((( Ami )))))
Really Really.
There is "Inappropriate" behavior by parent(s), in front of the innocent child, and also, "Inappropriate" behavior by parent(s), in front of the Adult Child.
There is "(Subtle) Covert" Sexual Abuse by parent(s).
There is "Overt" Sexual Abuse by parent(s).
It is done for a purpose.
Did you look at the website link regarding sexual abuse by Mothers? I was stunned that this is something NOT rare - and has clear meaning, purpose and agenda.
Apparently, many people, even today, shun the idea or acceptance that this happens.
I am embarrassed to admit that my Mother fits into this category with her inappropriate sexualized conversation and innuendos, however, I am not carrying HER shame, the ownership and responsibility belongs to my MOTHER. Oddly enough, my MOTHER only exhibited this behavior after my father had left home. To an outsider, they would find it difficult to believe that my MOTHER would have behaved in such a manner, however, all of her children can testify, more so my youngest sibling.
May the God of all comfort bring healing and peace to your heart - as you release your MOTHER's shame - back to where it belongs - with your MOTHER.
Ami, YOU will walk through this and BE stronger, healed and whole.
> "Healing the Shame that Binds You" by John Bradshaw was a great help to me a couple of years ago.