Author Topic: Bear stains????  (Read 935 times)


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Bear stains????
« on: May 25, 2008, 06:57:08 PM »
--"No", he said, as he was closing the gap between us,"I asked if you had any spare change."

I said "No, I don't" and escaped into the Drug store to renew my prescriptions. Then I saw a man approach the bum and order him off and away.

I said no hurry for the Rx as I was hotfooting it around to some stores. I wheeled 3 blocks West, then 3 blocks South to the bank , then returned North those 3 blocks plus 1 more then went 2 blocks West.

There was the same homeless guy leaning against the wall in a crying position, but quickly hopped to it as I approached, and he asked me again. I said, "That's twice now and NO!"

Did anyone see the movie "__ ____ ___" (I forget already from just last night) when the Gal takes a Bum off the streets and makes a gentleman of him, and he had the ability to become a gentleman. For sure, "It happens only in the movies" with the strange thing being this live guy resembled, so closely, the movie guy, as a bum.

One store was to return a defective DVD, and the cashier was new. She looked like a nagging old woman, but I was in her lineup. She couldn't get the Return to work, to recognize,  and kept asking me if I was sure I bought it there. I assured her enough times, that I had, and I was still pleasantly surprised at my still present patience. I knew I was right, and that's all it took, doubting myself, no questioning myself, as I have 2 other defectives for 2 more stores. I purchased some items, after she asked me to come back another time when her Supervisor was there. I had been nattering about 'problem-solving'---how much I loved it and she reached over, grabbed the defective DVD from my lap, tried something else and it worked. She was problem solving and the problem was solved. Her naggy old woman look had changed!

I returned to the drug store and picked up the Rx, $170.52 (month) for one that is under patent still, and home. (Who is it here with fibromyalgia?)

That was my second downtown trip, the other being Friday, a quick trip to the Library for books and back before a meeting re work, whereby I finally met the President, and the other woman (OW) is the one who dragged me out of the Office by the wheelchair. We are over that now I hope. I know I am, as I pointed it out to her that it constituted assault. She, however, has said nothing so....anyway I think that was my first attempt at being assertive and that is 4 years ago. Assertiveness works!

I took hand of the meeting to bring this new President up to date and tell her what I needed and what I didn't need. Then the OW had her say and had to agree with me, so The Meeting was soon over , then we received an email from the President outlining the 'flow of information' procedure and all is well.

So now I know I need help around here, but not daily. I think I will start off monthly and see how that is. Then I can make but one trip downtown per week and one in the car per week.

Getting older is a pain in the butt, but I am far too 'young and independent' for an assisted living place. I was chatting with an 89 year old in the mail room and she was spry!

I hit Post, too soon, Just wanted to mention That's where I advertised and sold all my DVDs and one computer. I needed space for more DVDs and a new Vista computer, just to keep current re my work.  Apparently craiglist is worth close to 10 x what eBay is! I find it great!----can plug right into your own comminuty.

 :shock:  :shock:   :P  :P   :D   :D  :D


« Last Edit: May 25, 2008, 07:05:28 PM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Bear stains????
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2008, 11:32:07 PM »
Izz, can't imagine how tired you must be!

But good on you for the assertiveness!

I hope you're doing better, physically...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Bear stains????
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2008, 08:58:32 AM »
All this activity and physical getting about probably helps keep you spry, Izz.

Things that are in motion.... tend to stay in motion.

::picturing busy Izzy wheeling about, determined look on her face::

You're a little force, you are.

Sorry about the expensive Rx.  I had the idea that all Rx's in Canada were fairly cheap.  Ouch.

It sounds like you were a bit disturbed by the homeless man, asking for change.

It's sad that we can't save people from themselves.... except in the movies.... huh?