Author Topic: Somatic Narcissist turned Cerebral Narcissist  (Read 24339 times)


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Somatic Narcissist turned Cerebral Narcissist
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2004, 02:21:30 PM »
Hi Phoenix

You're right, I'm angry - at my mother and my father.  She raised me in a sheer Hell, and he walked away when I was born, taking the highroad, and leaving me to be raised by a sociopathic Narcissist with underlying emotional incest (more to my brother - I was neglected).  This last 3 weeks I've been learning things abut myself and my family that has totally discombobulated me.  That is why I am here, on this board - with the rest of these people that are coming to terms with their realities.

I'd like to point out that it is a given that I am angry - and I know that.  I think I was trying to articulate that I am here for the obvious reasons and to bring my nickname into it was redundant.

Thanks for the post :)