Author Topic: dumb as a fox  (Read 8319 times)


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dumb as a fox
« on: August 19, 2004, 12:36:49 PM »


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2004, 12:52:45 PM »
Phoenix, how about asking Dr Grossman privately about board identities if you are concerned? Just a suggestion.

If you wish, you can ask him if he can confirm that I only post as Portia too. I’d be willing for him to give you that information if it would help. I don’t know if that is a question for you – my identity - I’m just offering it to you. P


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2004, 01:00:19 PM »
phoenix, do you mean that you PM a person (not Somebody) and this PM is being read by Somebody? Like hacking is going on?

Sorry if I am a bit slow on the draw here.



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dumb as a fox
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2004, 01:08:14 PM »


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2004, 01:26:06 PM »
Hi Phoenix.

I haven’t come to any conclusions about Somebody, who wrote that post you quoted. I'm still listening to her.

I’ve made awful mistakes assuming people to be other than as they post.(And I deeply regret those mistakes.)

Safe is what I feel here. Safety means different things to different people I guess. It’s not wrong to question, but each of us decides on safety for ourselves I think. Questioning is great! But making assumptions and publicly airing those assumptions as real possibilities is what gets me into a right pickle. As my step-dad used to tell me, “get the facts and think before you speak”. I kinda forgot those words.

I’m glad you don’t think I post as someone else.  :) P

PS. edit in just to say about 'who is who and what is what' - I've felt and thought exactly the same. It's natural scepticism. But I trust the Board to help me. I really do.


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2004, 01:44:32 PM »


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2004, 01:54:11 PM »


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2004, 02:06:29 PM »


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2004, 02:36:54 PM »

Discounted Girl

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dumb as a fox
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2004, 03:03:24 PM »
It makes me feel good to blame her, so I will -- I think our Nparents caused us to be a bit whacko, not necessarily always in a bad way, but we are very "unique." I have thought about it and I realize that ACON's could play cat and mouse cyber games on a forum and not have a wicked purpose for doing so. There is no reason to spill more of our guts than we want to ever come back to haunt us, so, I guess there is no reason to not continue to post as we wish. However, there is a lack of trust and a "suspicion" that does not create a warm fuzzy. An intelligent ACON (and we all are it seems) is very capable of clever cyber ruses (is that a word?). I don't think anyone has hacked into Dr. G's PM construction so much as the same PM to mulitiple persons creates a temptation to the game player. Don't PM everyone the same. Change it up a little. That would be your evidence. It is sometimes kind of fun to play "who done it," doncha think?


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2004, 03:35:33 PM »


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2004, 05:27:46 PM »
Look, Pheonix, I'm sorry to post here but I really, really wish I could prove to you that you are making a mistake by deciding that I have some awful agenda.  I may not say everything correctly, I may have trouble getting across exactly what it is I am trying to say sometimes, I may not always use the right words, but that is just human.

Pheonix, ask the doc to check my ip addy or whatever it's called.  I have not hacked into anything.  If you knew me, you'd laugh your guts out at that idea and say:  "Her, she couldn't hack into a walnut!".  I still haven't figured out how to look at more than one post at a time.

The story about the guy and the trees really happened, yesterday, and I really did hear about re-potting on the radio this morning.  I had a baby that was born premature, years ago.  She lived for less than 2 months and died the day before Christmas eve.  I swear to God on her grave that I am just Somebody, Pheonix.

I don't know how else to make that any clearer. And I'm not some "nice" person.  I'm just a person like everybody else.  I have my bad points, I'm sure you have already noted a few of them.  But I'm not an evil, immoral, unempathetic, n with underhanded intentions of anything.  I just wanted to speak about my feelings and I made the mistake of being honest about what happened in my family.  I would have been much better off the omit that information and just post a general message but I can be just as dumb as everybody else, so shoot me!!  

(I remember when I was giving birth to my youngest, I was alone with the staff and the pain got soooo unbearable and all of a sudden--I let out this long, long, long, long list of swear-words, some I didn't even know I knew and I immediately slapped my hand over my mouth, in utter and complete shock over what I had just let out.  I'm sure I looked totally ridiculous and the next thing that came into my mind- I yelled---somebody---hit me with a hammer!!!  The staff were in stitches).

I didn't plan that swearing, Pheonix, and I didn't plan all the ruccus on the newbie thread, either.  It just came out.  I take responsibility for starting it off wrong, by telling the truth.  I should have not mentioned it.  It would have been easier for everyone else.

I'm not kidding about the rest of the stuff in this post Pheonix, I mean it.  Please believe me.


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2004, 05:53:39 PM »


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dumb as a fox
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2004, 06:24:18 PM »
HI Pheonix.  :D

My 2 cents worth. If what you say happened really happened, Pheonix  :shock: , and that you did it intentionally to test a theory, then you're onto something.  Because you say it's happened before.

But then how to find the mystery copy cat? Or to find your mystery hacker?

I don't think there is a mystery hacker. Is there? Ask DR G? Suirely he'd know if his system has been hacked.

No, I don't think you've been hacked. That I think is the least plausible option. One that I'd refer to as last resort. And second last resort would be coincidence.

I'm thinking more along these lines.  

:D hey! You need look no further than the person you PM'd to find your mystery hacker.  :D

And now another 2 cents worth (off topic), to make it four cents.

Maybe instead of getting rid of guest option, Dr G should look at getting rid of the Pm option. :D  This would avoid all the behind the scenes gossip and discrediting and silly stirring each other up that goes on.

Why? Because I've experienced that same silly ignorant type of discrediting that your PM was doing about someone else here. I may even begin to wonder, was it me you were gossiping about? :D  No matter.  :D  

But the stuff you said about her, "if she had that many experiences she'd be 300 years old." Hey   :D  people sometimes have said that about me, till they've gotten to know me. But then some of them are my friends now.  :D  Cool. And thay feel so silly for thinking that. it is something to laugh about now, but at the time it's hurt me.

Yep, that's right. Some people who've said that about me, (cause I've done so much that most epople haven't) have gotten to know me,  :D  and seen my photo albums, and met my longtime friends, yep, then it's different story.  :D  

What if the person you were discrediting is like me, and has had all those experiences? Then all you're doing is creating silly groundless suspicion and doubt with another poster. That's not nice. You have no proof.  And by doing that, you're stirring the pot and creating silly mistrust in whoever you're PMing. That's a bit silly and childish. How do you know what she says isn't true?

If it happened to me, what you said about your PM's being repeated, I might try really hard (and it would be hard for me  :D ) to try to first assume a coincidence.

But seeing as you say it's happened before  :shock:  :? , then I'd have look at the very very obvious.

I'd say, and it's a bit of a laugh really, but it was your 'friend' you PM'd who did the lifting od your words, if it wasn't just coincidence. That is what seems the most obvious reason, to dumb old me anyway  :( .

And, another guess is your 'friend' has another identity she hasn't told you about.  :D   And why that is so easy for me to believe is you seem to have quite a few 'guest' supporters, don't you?  :D  So I already know you do have friends with 'guest' identities as well. And I'd guess, with the content of your message example you disclosed, you're just stirring up her up paranoia.




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dumb as a fox
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2004, 06:44:53 PM »
Thanks CG, for your words of wisdom (seems to me).

CG, what's PM and PM'd?  And also, what's WAPOS?

If this is not the best place to ask, just say so.

I don't know any of these things and I am just wondering.