I am somewhat haunted by someone I was getting close to for awhile. He is bi-polar, I think the "worse" kind of 1 or 2.
Here's some behavior. Known for about 5 years. Same religion and profession. (radio and tv, both on air and freelance work doing commercials, he has done some print modeling work and tv commercials as an on camera talent.) Several years ago, during a slump in business, I produced some very small budget films. N worked with me, along with other friends. He was the loud obnoxious guy who I kind of tried to avoid, but would accost me after church, and talk about how "great" he is.
After a shared religious experience, we became closer, First he sent me nice emails, spent some time together. Despite another woman in his life, he spend alot of time with me. They did break up. Things looked like they were going to escalate, but for some reason, despite physical attraction, I always held back.
People at work, who were acquainted with N were horrified that I was involved with him. I figured, maybe they knew him before he got help for bi-polar. More to come...