Dear Overcomer-
It seems that you have all of the responsibility, and not the authority you need and deserve. It sounds like you have to fit yourself around what others set up as your duties - that cannot be inspring or enjoyable. If you read a recent post by Our Izzy, she mentions looking for a place for herself abd her daughter, and she found one that felt right for her- not the fanciest but the one that felt right. You deserve to choose what feels right to you and pursue that, rather than be set up in a game where you have the clock ticking from the crack of dawn, and must do such and such set up bt others until bedtime, and the test of whether you are "good" or not, is how many of the assigned tasks you have done, etc. Caring , love and loyalty have been large part of the equation, but it's okay to be loving, caring and loyal to yourself too!!!
There is a great saying for caregivers- "You must take the oxygen first!" In other words, you must have what you need first in order to do what is needed for others. You need the self-care, inspiration and joy of living in order to model that for your children, and in order to be the happy heart of your family. You need to take care of your physical being so that you can do what you need to physically. You need your life-set up to be conducive to your life, and you need to have support and love in your life- and you deserve it.
Maybe start in small ways- join a really nice women's gym or hiking club, and take daily exercise in a lovely atmosphere- this could be the start of so many things freeing up for you. Hang out with people who see you as you really are, not some drudge who is there to burden with orders and not to be seen as an individual. A new job with friends and respect and boundaries- sounds so good. You are searching, like Izzy for her new home- and you will find what feels good to YOU!!!