Lighter - I broke down and bought commercial drugs for the congestion. It helps, but it also disrupts my R-Lbrain connection. Being able to decide what I want to do - and remembering how to - or even just the doing of it. So something like drawing is almost a relief! (Outcome is truly not important - this drawing is just for fun.) I can just work from Rbrain... and take a break, to let Lbrain critique. We'll see if I can function at work today.
I talked to my daughter last night - and she straightened me out. All she wanted was to tell me her feelings and have mom listen & understand - warm fuzzies. But, instead, I made myself pretty miserable worrying, anxious, trying to "fix" her feelings... sigh. Working out why I do this (the Nmom-me pattern) and how to stop it this morning. I think I found the "dysfunction" in myself... but it usually takes a day-two of looking at these things to decide if it's just a wild-ass theory, or if there's really something true/valid in it. Fear & Control... and "who's" in charge of me. That's the gist of it. Really, it's much better than it was; progress being made...I just want to let this go completely, now.
The IMPORTANT things are just so, so simple, aren't they?
More, soon.