Author Topic: Hello  (Read 3556 times)


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Re: Hello
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2008, 10:03:31 PM »

The ridiculous legal drama continues-

I just got a set of docs sent by my former lawyer , even though I had informed him to cease work, and my new lawyer had informed him of the substitution of counsel. If only my former lawyer had been reachable and honest and had done the work properly and on time before- just like an abuser, he rushes to do things now, for money and maybe to cover his tracks due to the sanctions against him and the Default, etc. Anyway these new docs are wonderful- Such talent and mastery - but it does no good if the work isn't done on time and the issues are ignored, etc- I can imagine the misery of his clients with pressing custody issues, etc being ignored and the cases spoiled- so glad it's not me! There was a letter attached to the documents whining about a phone call I made where I was more insistent than usual, as he had ignored filings and I had to go to the court myself and get copies of the docs calling for sanctions because my lawyer was not available , and then try to deal with things in order to avoid further sanctions- it made me sick to my stomach when I called and found out that he had lied about his partnership, etc- I needed to get things straight and I had to read the documents to him, and was not happy at what was unfolding. It sounds like a divorce almost- ick, good riddance, legal acumen and all!!!! Hopefully, my new lawyer can use this stuff (it is excellent)!!!!

I guess the former lawyer is an N or a jackal , or both!!! I saw the ability but could not imagine that my lawyer would lie for no reason, not have anyone to get or return calls, let my divorce default, and be sanctioned for his lack of diligence. My new lawyer sent me a note he sent her saying "Hope You Enjoy The Screaming " in other words, trying to say that I am rager. I only wish that I had been a screamer as perhaps he would have done his job despite whatever is going out of control in his personal life...My new lawyer was shocked about how he mishandled my case, and now he is trying to blame me!!!

I just want my life back!


« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 01:27:28 AM by Changes »


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Re: Hello
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2008, 11:49:39 PM »
I don't think we ever get our lives back.

We get something else.

I know I'll never be the same person again...

and maybe someday I'll understand why.

We're certai ly better informed about the darker, irrational side of human nature.

I have an idea you'll go on and make a difference in the legal system....

stretch victims limits and boundaries, perhaps?

No one will be able to make you doubt this reality ever again....

after you've survived it.

Not sure what that's worth.... but....

it's worth a hell of a lot to the victims that come after.

We can light candles along our path.... maybe share what we've learned and improve the way?


You're a very special person.....

that much I know.



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Re: Hello
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2008, 12:29:00 AM »

Yes I have to agree with you.  I don't think we ever get our lives back like it use to be but I got a better one.  I was able to stand on my own two feet with two kids and a dog.  Even though I had less I gained more.  Although it was a bad situation it was most definetly a  good learning experience. And light I am still the same person just a little be wiser now and blonder and 10lbs heavier, 3 kids and 4 dogs, Ok so I added a kid and 3 dogs maybe my outisides has changed a bit (lol).

And Changes,

I have no doubt you will be a wonderfull attorney. Did you always want to be an attorney?  You are in your first year of Law School right?  How do you like it so far?

Your life is just going to get better.  I feel good things are coming your way. 



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Re: Hello
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2008, 01:07:25 AM »
Lighter My Friend-

Thank you for your reply- the everlasting weirdness can be so may be correct, we may never get our lives back, but simply move on to another phase- that sounds good as well! Lord, I am sick of revisiting the same psychodrama again and again with only superficial variations!!!! At least I get a few laughs in the meantime, though!

The whole system is so fraught with twists and turns- the judges,  the lawyers, the clerks, even the messenger services can have such an impact on those poor souls depending on a fair shake- money and power so often tips the scales of justice the wrong way. Maybe the trial by fire system wasn't so bad after all- I had a professor who said that the modern trial system is a descendant of trial by ordeal, actually a type of ordeal itself- I never saw that before (I thought of it as a radical alternative), but now it seems so true!!! At least the verdict came quickly when one was dunked in the pool of water or one's hand thrust into the embers- and I don't think that any legal payments were required!

I was thinking about you Lighter, my nature and gardening loving friend, as I walked into the house this evening. I had planted night blooming jasmine and gardenia under my windows so I could smell their delicious scent in my dreams and as I came home, etc- I'm not a fancy gardener like you, but I  like to think that you would approve my prosaic attempts anyway- the sky is so fresh and the scent of jasmine and a little whiff of roses is refreshing...that makes me happy. It made think of your descriptions of gardening and parties outdoors. I had to have a limb trimmed from the camphor tree recently and the smell lingered for quite a while and is now gone- I loved that too.

I am going to send the magnificent efforts of my former lawyer to my new lawyer- I think he served the papers to the OC anyway- his docs put my little writings to shame, it is really quite embarrassing (he did use the items I gave him to put it together, but I really hate my writing when I read his!!) Actually, the former lawyer's work will really free me up in terms of time and effort, and give me more peace about the OSC next week. It has been grueling , trying to put so many diverse things together in time, and now I feel that I have a reprieve of sorts, and at last the truth has been set down in print on legal docs! If I can get all of the other docs and photos, deeds, etc that my new counsel wants together first thing in the morning, then I am going to take myself to the beach tomorrow- I have gas (gasoline, not abdominal pressure!) and have completed my exams...It has been so long since I have been there, I keep pushing myself and not doing what I would really like to (I need to modify this pathological behavior somewhat)...

Tonight I am going to sit on my porch and enjoy the trees and night birds and flowers and critters.  Thank you for setting me straight- I am always thinking things will resolve quite soon, and I need to be patient in order to endure and not lose sight of what I have now. Thank you! You are not only a style and gracious living maven, but a good counselor as well. Hope all is well, and God Bless you and your little ones.



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Re: Hello
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2008, 01:16:22 AM »
Hi Debkor-

Oh your dog pack sounds like fun- and there are enough dogs to keep up with the children!!! I love law school ( the study part- I hate the bureaucracy) - it is interesting and was a good thing for me in terms of focus while my life became more and more unraveled- I do hope that I have fewer crises and more money next term, though!

Thank you for sharing the good vibes about the future, Debkor- You are so generous with me, sharing your positive feelings, support and thoughts- it really does remake one's mind which in turn remakes one's life!

Thank you again, and much love to you and your sweet family!



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Re: Hello
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2008, 09:54:04 AM »
It's weird,  Change.

That your first attorney submarined you and your case.....

it's part of the way things need to be.

For some reason..... that's going to be an important part of your history.

Not sure why.

I suspect it'll impact you not only legally...... but in your lifelong direction.

Could be wrong and I'm so hap hap happy you have that terrific writing of his to lessen your load.

Enjoy the beach, count your blessing and remember.....

put distance between you and BW when/if you can.

You have 2 friends here: )



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Re: Hello
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2008, 12:49:33 PM »
deb.... I'm still trying to get used to picturing you with blonde hair.

How blonde is it?

Lighter; )


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Re: Hello
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2008, 01:14:15 PM »

It's not all blonde it's frosted. This time I did it myself and I like it better when they high light it with the foil at my haricutters.  I sometimes dye it darker (reds) but the blonde always come through.  I was a natural red head most of my life then in my 30's was the first time I did any color or bleach to it.  I don't think I ever could go real blonde.  But it is a difference I can see now that I'm older.  At least framed around my face I would want it light. It brightens me up. 

I want to try the three colors where you do it with browns, light browns, then blonde.  I also let it grow  and I don't know why because half the time I wear it in a pony tail.  It's kind of long.  Shorter under my chin in front then top middle of my back.  So it gets real hot in the summer. 

I know my haircutter is looking for me because I haven't been there in a long time........... because......... of my pony tails.......
and my homemade bleach job..... oh he is going to kill me.




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Re: Hello
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2008, 01:23:23 PM »

How lovely to have you back!!!!! Congrats on your studies!!!!

I am looking forward to reading through your new posts and reconnecting. Have to run now - in-laws (love them so much) due to arrive shortly.

Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams

finding peace

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Re: Hello
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2008, 09:45:57 AM »
Dear Changing,

I am so glad to see that you are OK and posting again.

I don’t post much but I read.  When I read your posts, I gain such a deep sense of comfort. 

You have a beautiful voice - soothing, reassuring, strengthening, wise, wise, wise, inspirational ….


You have been missed, and I would be very sad to see you leave.

BTW – I never understood “changing,” or “changes” as a nik for you - I have always seen you as “There.”

Much, much love to you and please know you are in my thoughts and prayers as you continue with the BW.

- Life is a journey not a destination


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Re: Hello
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2008, 09:54:36 AM »
Finding Peace! 

There you are.

I was wondering if you'd left the board.

Are you doing OK?

Deb..... now I'm picturing you with red hair and blond highlights, around your face. 

Odd isn't it?  Still can't picture you salon frosted or home job frosted.

I think hair cutters expect us to go nuts at home every once in a while, btw.

I'm sure he'll be glad to see you: )
