Despite that I did a good job, despite that I did not do anything wrong, I feel such a failure, I feel so sad. So empty.
I know I did not want to go back to that school, despite that I have been dreaming to obtain a job in a public school, I feel so sad, such a failure.
I thought it was over, I still have so much pain to heal caused by these people. I feel they are so unfair. I feel I lost the battle, I feel they are bad, very bad.
I finished strong anyway.
The elementary principal offered me a good reference. She promised me a good reference and told me that I did a wonderful job in the elementary and the piano lessons.
At least I get that. I am very thankful because the elementary teacher is a good person after all.
But I know that the employees there, sent their own children to cause problems for me. That is what makes me sad.
The students that paid for their education caused very few problems. It was the students that were there for free who were all the time causing problems.
I know that these people never liked me. I will never know why they disliked me so much. I just worked very hard and did a good job teaching my students. My students learned a lot. I have prove of it.
Still I feel so sad. I know I do not have to go back there. I have to start another chapter in my life. I thought it was over. But I have so much pain, so much pain. And I have to find a new job. A job in a public school. I need to have confidence. I need to have peace.
But I feel such a failure. A failure to get friends that so much need. I feel these Christian people are so selfish.
I feel so sad. Only God can help me. I have to trust that God will help me. These people killed the little self esteem I had, if I had some. Probably I had none. Or I would have not let them abuse me so much. I shouldhave quit since last year. For some reason I wanted to stay.
I do that all the time. People abuse me and I stay and stay despite the abuse. After they abuse me they start to hate me. And I stay and stay despite the abuse and the hate.
I feel so sad. Sad vacation this year. On top I have to find a new job. They did so much damage to me, so much. And I let them do it. I allowed them to abuse me. I have done that all my life.