I have a PITA neighbor I've disarmed with affection and humor, and it only took 40 years.

When Gardener and I were building the first raised bed in the
(gasp!) FRONT yard (next to her immaculately groomed lawn) ... she drove in and in her brassy drawl said, Hops what are you doing?
Hi Betty! We're building a chicken coop! said I...
She still cares about me, and vice versa. And her husband died last weekend. My dad's former doctor...and my first babysitting client, when I was 11.
She was so good to my parents when I still lived away. A retired nurse...she'd be in the house checking on them if their lights weren't going on and off at the right intervals, and at one point when they were both laid up (dad with cancer, mom with a fractured vertebrae) she brought them breakfast upstairs on a tray for a week straight.
So nosy Betty can do whatever she wants. I'll ignore her when she bugs me, but her heart's good.