Lighter, here's the difference, as I see it.
I took issue with Leah and I said so.
It never occurred to me that the entire board or humanity in general needs to be protected from Leah.
That's why I said in my last post here to you that this is the question which concerns me:
How do we protect anyone from that.... when saying it out loud, is taboo?
Where do you get this business of protecting others?
How did that become your role in this?
I mean, I have a role of protecting my children, but on this message board or in other areas of life...?
How is it any different for you to see yourself as protector than for Ami to see herself as chairwoman of the beautification committee?
Aren't you both exceeding your bounds?
P.S. I see that I didn't answer your question, but didn't want to jump ahead too far. One step at a time is all I can manage.