About meditation.
She asked me if I had done sat, I said what is sat? when you sit on the floor. I said I have arthritis, she gave me three cushions for my knees which still was painful.
She guides you, we were six persons and her. Everybody was very friendly. I felt welcome. I sat, and it was painful, I have to find a comfortable position. But cannot be in bed because you fall asleep.
Then she starts saying to concentrate in the respiration, how you feel the air coming out and in through your nose and how you feel it going to your lungs. Fell the vibrations on your skin, your hair, if there is an itching, or a pain, concentrate on your breathing. If your mind goes away come back to the air in your nose.
She keeps silent for some minutes and during that time the mind goes away to stories and inner dialogue, go back to the breathing, or when she tarts talking again she takes you to the breathing again.
Then she does the relaxation for all the body what they call body scanning, and go through all your joints, feel your elbows, feel your knees, etc, and you feel very relaxed, and you hear the respirations of the others, and you know that is something nice.
Then after about 35 minutes she starts talking about loving one self, not to disapprove our selves, to forgive our imperfections, to see the deep inside us, and she goes very deep, and after 47 minutes she rings a bell, a bell that has a sound very nice sound, almost hypnotic, then you open your eyes.
She asked me how I felt I told her that just to stay still was a huge effort since I am a very restless person, just to resist not to see my watch was a huge effort, and she was amazed that despite I am so restless and it was my first time I sat quietly with closed eyes for 47 minutes, but I have to confess that I had to scratch my face several times and move my legs several times, but it was relaxing anyway. When I went home I was feeling better and more hopeful.
She has other places where she does it for a donation and I am going to try to go since I am on vacation.
Hopefully I am going to get a better job than the one I had and I will do better and I will have better relationships that I had in the past.
Does anybody have any opinion or experience with meditation? I know that Hopalong knows a lot about it.