Author Topic: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery  (Read 17205 times)


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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2008, 11:40:36 PM »
This came next

Why don't you say it on the board and we'll hear everyone's opinion? Izzy

I don't think it is right  for Lighter to imitate Changing and I don't like to see people messed with.

This is one of those, "Don't believe anything you read and only ½ of what you see" moments! Better yet is is more like a Hallmark Moment when I see how much Ami cares for my welfare.

Where, oh where  is our good doctor?
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2008, 08:04:59 AM »
This is my situation, Izzy. I don't think YOU would try to assume the identity of another board member for the purpose of  aggrandizing yourself and/or simply,messing with people
 I think that IF Lighter did this, she should get the third strike and get kicked off the board.
 I see that my desire for this is fuled by my past even though the present situation deserves justice.
 THIS was my past. My M could demean, mock, ridicule, decimate others and never, never have to face it, with consequences. She could do it over and over, again ,and never have to have to face,herself . She  never  never had to pay, even in JUST being responsible for what she did.
 Lighter has 2 strikes against her for  trying to humlliate and embarrass me. IF she tried to imitate Changing by assuming her identity and then "mocking " people's love for Changing (including MY own), I think she should get kicked out of our board community.
 That is my story, Izzy. It is in Dr G's hands. I am free from the administration of justice,  with Lighter. I am telling my side b/c I want to be free of my connection to both people, Lighter AND my M.   Ami
« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 11:08:35 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2008, 09:59:03 AM »
Prick me , I am done. It is in Dr G's hands.I trust he will do what is right and what is best and that is the end of it, for me.          Ami
« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 10:14:12 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2008, 10:24:30 AM »
I'm surfacing for two quick observations and then I'll resubmerge;

1. Shouldn't Ami have kept this between herself and Doctor G until he either confirmed or denied her suspicions? Making a serious accusation about other members based only on one's 'truth' and then disseminating it to other board members seems like less than optimal behavior, to put it politely.

2. There is no such thing as 'her truth' or 'his truth' there is only the truth. Anything else is only opinion, suspicion or feeling. When we start believing or labelling our opinions, suspicions and feelings as truth, we start saying and doing things we otherwise wouldn't and anyone who disagrees with us automatically becomes not a rational person with a different opinion but an irrational adversary who refuses to recognize facts.


Certain Hope

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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2008, 10:46:42 AM »
1. Shouldn't Ami have kept this between herself and Doctor G until he either confirmed or denied her suspicions? Making a serious accusation about other members based only on one's 'truth' and then disseminating it to other board members seems like less than optimal behavior, to put it politely.

I think that Ami's fear of Lighter, and the hatred attached to that fear, is so strong that she lost all perspective on this.

It's had lots of time to build, too, as - during Changing's months-long absence - Lighter would occasionally post updates on the board re: Changing's circumstances.
Each one of those little updates likely reinforced Ami's conviction that there was a deception in process.

I've had some similar convictions/suspicions in the past - and I have shared those, on occasion, with a couple trusted friends.
Fear and hatred can inspire some pretty bizarre behavior.

Anyhow, I feel that Ami shared this info with Izzy because of Izzy's past, close relationship with Changing.
Optimal behavior? No. But I think she was genuinely doing what she thought was best.

What I think would be far less than optimal is if Ami and Lighter continue this personality clash ad nauseum (because that is really ALL it is) instead of getting it out into the open and each determining what it is about herself that creates such a stew in her about the other.



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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2008, 10:50:03 AM »

2. There is no such thing as 'her truth' or 'his truth' there is only the truth. Anything else is only opinion, suspicion or feeling. When we start believing or labelling our opinions, suspicions and feelings as truth, we start saying and doing things we otherwise wouldn't and anyone who disagrees with us automatically becomes not a rational person with a different opinion but an irrational adversary who refuses to recognize facts.


Dear Mud,

Thank you for highlighting that there is no such thing as 'her truth' or 'his truth' in reality - as there is only, in reality, "the truth"

However, on this board, and I have noted elsewhere in relative articles to do with healing and suchlike, that there is a common phrase which has been quoted and mentioned here often, frequently in fact:  'her truth'

and in particular, Lighter uses this phrase, as in her address to me in a thread a few weeks ago, wherein it was highlighted to me that a member was expressing 'her truth'

and so to that end, I have used the same terminology / phrase so as to communicate effectively with understanding, to and for the benefit of the addressee, namely Lighter.

Hope this helps clarify any possible misunderstanding.

As I would like to stress that I only believe in "the truth"

The truth was, is, that "changing" did post to Ami that her life was in danger as per the above copy of a post to Dr G - then "changing" ceased posting and disappeared from the board on January 9, 2008.  That is the truth.

The truth is that there are means of remaining engaged with the internet when one cannot do so within ones own home, just to let people know you are well etc., and remain in communication as and if desired.

The truth is glaringly obvious when someone apparently does not acknowledge you and/or ignores you -- or denies a previous close friendship.

The truth is that one clicks on the Member List and selects the letter C to find "changing" on the member listing and up pops the profile.

The truth is that one is universally advised (as I was) to create a moblie email account with the likes of hotmail or yahoo etc., when in a domestic violence situation and posting on any internet forum or to email in general



« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 10:52:57 AM by LeahsRainbow »
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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #21 on: June 07, 2008, 11:29:14 AM »
 I really am done. If Changing is gone, she is with God. I  said the truth,as I saw it. I put it forth to the arbitrator of justice, Dr G.
I saw my childhood pattern of being humiliated and then blamed.  Thanks again to the indescribably wonderful friends you make ,on the board. We have been through the wars together, N damage.
 I feel loved for being me by some precious friends.What more can you ask?          Love   Ami
« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 11:30:50 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #22 on: June 07, 2008, 12:12:22 PM »
Dear Carolyn,
You offered some kind words to me and I would like to make the move to offer an apolgy.
 I was too argumentative when I first came on the board. I was very angry and did not know it. I acted immaturely, at times  and I am sorry. If you don't care to accept this, that is fine. I am glad that I offered it, and it stands if you care to accept.    Ami
« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 12:14:51 PM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

Certain Hope

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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #23 on: June 07, 2008, 12:44:11 PM »
Dear Carolyn,
You offered some kind words to me and I would like to make the move to offer an apolgy.
 I was too argumentative when I first came on the board. I was very angry and did not know it. I acted immaturely, at times  and I am sorry. If you don't care to accept this, that is fine. I am glad that I offered it, and it stands if you care to accept.    Ami

Accepted, Ami.

I think that when you can extend apologies to those whom you've wronged who do not offer kind words to you, then you'll be free.


Certain Hope

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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #24 on: June 07, 2008, 01:02:05 PM »
Thanks Carolyn for accepting.
I don't understand the last statement. Could you explain?              Ami

You're welcome, Ami.

The last statement is just a feeling of my own, based on what I've seen, and I could be wrong.
What I meant is this -
if you've wronged others on this board or elsewhere, and if you're waiting for them to offer you what you think are kind words (before you will apologize for your own wrongs),
then I think that attitude will hold you in bondage. At least, that has been my personal experience.



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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #25 on: June 07, 2008, 01:05:36 PM »
Dear Carolyn
 I will think about what you said. I know I fall short of how God wants me.That is the truth to the hundredth power.  Peace to you, Carolyn,   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

Certain Hope

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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2008, 01:08:37 PM »
Dear Carolyn
 I will think about what you said. I know I fall short of how God wants me.That is the truth to the hundredth power.  Peace to you, Carolyn,   Ami

Good deal. Thank you.  I know I fall short of how God wants me, too, Ami... often and regularly. Peace to you, as well.



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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2008, 05:39:32 PM »
I think that Ami's fear of Lighter, and the hatred attached to that fear, is so strong that she lost all perspective on this.

It's had lots of time to build, too, as - during Changing's months-long absence - Lighter would occasionally post updates on the board re: Changing's circumstances.
Each one of those little updates likely reinforced Ami's conviction that there was a deception in process.

I've had some similar convictions/suspicions in the past - and I have shared those, on occasion, with a couple trusted friends.
Fear and hatred can inspire some pretty bizarre behavior.

Anyhow, I feel that Ami shared this info with Izzy because of Izzy's past, close relationship with Changing.
Optimal behavior? No. But I think she was genuinely doing what she thought was best.

What I think would be far less than optimal is if Ami and Lighter continue this personality clash ad nauseum (because that is really ALL it is) instead of getting it out into the open and each determining what it is about herself that creates such a stew in her about the other.


I really agree with everything you say here Carolyn.

On the flip side, a person can be downright wrong, fallible, and way-off, blundering, loopy, but it does not follow that they are a wolf in sheep's clothing, evil, deserving of obliteration, tarring and feathering or being run out of town on a rail.  There's plenty of fear and hatred going in both directions and it would be really great to see the parties concerned make mature efforts to own their own responsibilities instead of harping on the evil of 'the other guy.'

Izzy and Ami and many others were terribly worried about changing earlier this year.  I was one of those people.  Her ex had done many frightening and threatening things.  He had menaced her and actually described to her ways he had thought of doing away with her.  Then changing abruptly stopped posting.  As I am sure others did, I PM'ed her account to ask her to at least send a note if she intended to leave the board or take time away, to indicate she was alive, healthy, well and safe.  After a couple of months,  Lighter posted that changing was doing fine and had been in contact with her. 

I had to think about it first, but ultimately I accepted that it was most likely true.

I would have much preferred if changing had posted that she was taking time away for no reason or any reason.  However, my feeling is that changing in general believes she is worthless and nobody cares what happens to her, that she was upset by board conflict over the month of December, that perhaps her 1st semester grades were not what she demanded of herself - and I could easily see changing in such a situation cutting off all extraneous activities and only focusing on the necessary. 

Dear Changing:

And you know what changing, that is okay with me, whether I am off or on in my estimation of what happened with you in your abrupt ending of board participation.  I am glad you are alive and well.

I feel that it is hard for you to accept that board members would be concerned or worried, or even spare thought, about your fate.  I also feel that reading that sentence would provoke a lot of guilt in you, and I am sorry because I don't mean to do that.  I mean rather to say, I hope you will sit for a while with the reality that people, however tenuous and internet-y, do care for your well-being and continued existence.  I don't believe you would ever, ever, ever knowingly treat people poorly or cause them anxiety, but I do believe that you would disbelieve that anyone would ever feel anxiety on your behalf.

Also, in general, because of the how much I have been hurt this way by my family, I will not have a third party intermediary relationship dynamic in any situation, on or off the board.

I think that the lessons I have painfully learned about intermediaries has general application and would be useful for everybody here to consider, going forward.

Despite the chaos in a teapot engendered by changing's sudden disappearance and sudden return, I don't think she should be obliterated, demonized and sent off from the board.  I think it is okay for anyone to make a less than optimum choice and just because they do make a less than perfect choice, something you may not like at all, that is no reason at all to take an opportunity to attack that fallible individual.

Oh wait, nobody mentioned or would even consider demonizing changing or sending her off from the board?  Of course not.  Please extend the same to everyone.  Thx.  Best regards. 
Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant


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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2008, 05:59:00 PM »
Ummmm, changing left bc she thought bagworm followed her here.

She also was saving money by giving up her internet service.

That's all been covered and this has truly gone beyond the pale.


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Re: Passwords, PMs, Presumption, Pathos, Pity, Motives & Mystery
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2008, 07:54:10 PM »
If changing gave up her internet service how is it that she got in touch with you Lighter and not the board nor any of the others with whom she was close. 

The big suspicion comes from the thread you started about Changing and then the post you put in that thread that Changing would be coming back but that she would be changing her name.  There is enough room for others with whom Changing was close who have not had the same relationship at all with Changes - to cause wonder.

This is the only post I will make about this.  My purpose is in simply making the point that something does not smell right about this but I chose to only make this one post concerning the matter.  I am concerned but it is not material to my healing and I am powerless to change anything about Changing, Lighter, Changes, this argument, this board.  I am only empowered to change myself.

Thank you - Shame Slayer