Author Topic: Toilets and more OT stuff  (Read 6706 times)


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Toilets and more OT stuff
« on: June 03, 2008, 11:10:19 PM »
As some of you know....

 I've been living somewhere new for a while...

and I've learned how to use a snake.

The toilets here back up if you....


lets just say that I've solved the problem by having my children go potty and flush.

Wipe once, flush.

Wipe again, if needed, and go in for the final flush.

There were 3 incidents the first week. 

About one a week thereafter, not to do with my children but hey....

I fearlessly field any potty needs snak'in, at this point.

The first incident involving my child, I missed. 

It flooded an entire bed and bathroom. 

A professional company had to come in and handle it......

industrial fans ran around the clock for weeks.   :shock:

I can't tell if it's the toilets or too small a pipe connecting to the sewer or what.

Been interesting, I'll say that.


« Last Edit: June 05, 2008, 07:55:02 PM by lighter »


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Re: Snakes
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2008, 01:17:25 AM »
Hi Lighter friend-

Sometimes the newer low-flush toilets, that are supposed to conserve water, can cause this. If your area required replacement of existing toilets with low-flush, there may not be enough force generated to take everything completely out- this is especially problematic in multistory buildings- many jurisdictions have removed ordinances and gone back to the original style toilets, though some new designs use less water and yet are equivalent to the old toilets in terms of flushing!!! Oh, how exciting this information is, isn't it!!!!

Don't use caustic products like Draino before you use a snake- it can be disastrous (I know that you know this, but this is just a reminder)

Love and Best to You and the Babies,



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Re: Snakes
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2008, 01:39:02 AM »

::running to check cabinets::

Why didn't I think of it?

Just kidding: )

The water saving toilets is prolly exactly what I'm dealing with here.



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Re: Snakes
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2008, 01:42:07 AM »
oh lighter
I didn't know you had moved!  I saw snakes and being they are the worst creatures for me, I didn't look at your post.

Now I know but I have never tried one of those things!

off to bed to read my book.

shiver, shake, shiver, shake
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Snakes
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2008, 01:49:36 AM »
Enjoy your book, Izz....




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Re: Snakes
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2008, 07:36:06 AM »
sounds like a bucket of water by the john, to be poured in to aid flushing when there are solids, might help?

I swear, on the board we can solve anything.  :lol: Now to wander off topic in my happy morning addle...

There are snakes everywhere. Nature's a mystery.

We had a copperhead in my basement that leapt out and just missed the bug-man.

My toes curled for was uncomfortable going into the basement.
I still check.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Snakes
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2008, 09:39:48 AM »
Hey Lighter, if you're on a septic tank, draino's not very good for it.

I use some drain/septic tank cleaner that's a bit "greener" - the brand name is Roebic. It's "good" bacteria (I guess like yogurt is for digestion) for your drains & septic tank.
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Re: Snakes
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2008, 10:15:19 AM »

I've already gone hog wild and put toilet paper out (where the children can find and reach it)


Yes.... everyone can see it, as my oldest used paper towels when she couldn't find or reach the extras, poor dear... flooding incident, remember?

I can't imagine how I would be censored if I put buckets in the beautifully decorated bathrooms... all faux painted with matchy tassled towels and those tiney 10 pound trash cans with matching square 5 pound toothbrush cups.. :shock:

Oh no no no nono nonono.

Simply won't do; ) 

Maybe I can find matching buckets.....

 and apply jewels? 

Maroon and gold....


As for the snakes..... we have lots in the creek out back.  Big 4 foot long Copperheads. 

I had no idea they were so orange... marked like rattle snakes.

 Kinda scary but snakes don't make me go all crawly so I'm just amazed and mindful when I see them, generally swimming from our side of the bank to the other, cause we startle'em.

Amber.... we're not septic and it never occurrs to me to use chemicals in the potties.  I think bc of stories I heard about my Maternal Grandfather's pipes being full of holes when they sold their house.... he never called a plumber, just used more draino.  Yikes.

I'm sticking with the 2 to 3 flush method, as it really seems to work. 

Now.... if I can just get the neighbor's kids to poop at their own house. 

Every time I see that little boy coming.... he's doing the potty dance.

Wasn't like that at our old house, but we didn't have so many children in the neighborhood either.



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Re: Snakes
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2008, 04:28:33 PM »
OK... there were gurgling bubbles coming up from one of the more useful toilets in my area.

I flushed nothing... and the toilet backed up :shock:

It eventually drained away so I flushed again.....

 same thing.


Same thing.

How in the heck does NOTHING clog it up?

::resisting getting snake out as long as possible::


finding peace

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Re: Snakes
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2008, 05:29:16 PM »
Hey Lighter - saw your hello on the hello thread (didn't want to hijack changing's thread so am saying hi here .... )

I am doing ok these days.  Have been pretty busy, so haven’t been able to keep up with reading let alone posting.

Thanks for responding re: my kitty – she is doing remarkably well for her age and condition, and I am cherishing every moment we have. 

BTW – no new kitties, we are overwhelmed with animals. 

Inside:  3 cats (2 kitties rescued from the shelter last year plus my older cat), 2 rodents (cute as anything, like little squirrels they climb all over us), 50 gallon aquarium….. fish, snails, shrimp….  (speakin of poo - between the litter boxes, cage - those rodents are lovely little critters - they throw their poo through the bars, and the slimey aquarium filters, we are up to our eyeballs in poo .....)

Outside (and sometimes inside :shock: ):  frogs, snakes, turtles, tons of birds (eagles, hawks, swans, ducks, geese, song birds, owls….), deer, groundhogs, bunnies, raccoons, foxes (ever hear a fox scream at night?  Pretty scary - thought we had a sasquatch out back 'till I found out what it was....) 

I have a large body of water behind my house and I never realized the amount of wildlife that came with water (including a house covered in spider webs and very, very large spiders [yuck – my H tries to tell me that they are our friends because they eat the bugs, but I tell him that they can go be friends with the neighbors – don’t like spiders at all!]).

I have been thinking about you and hope that you are doing ok.  You mentioned awhile back about stoicism, and how sometimes it doesn’t help.  Been thinking about your words.

When I lived with my FOO, my emotional wellbeing depended upon being stoic.  If I let anyone in my FOO see a glimpse of pain, hurt, weakness….. it was like bleeding in a tank of great whites – the feeding frenzy would start.

I find it very difficult (still) to break that habit – it is one of those survival tools that I had to set in stone – never, ever let any weakness, pain, etc. show.  I have also seen how it can backfire.  Early on in our relationship, my H (then boyfriend) said to me, “You don’t need me for anything do you?”  I was so totally self-sufficient, financially, emotionally (never leaning, never asking for help…). 

He felt  ….…. unnecessary/not needed in our relationship.  What a horrible feeling to have caused him.  I will never forget those words.  My stoicism was actually causing him discomfort.  I let the walls down for him.  In 3-D, I still chose carefully who and in what situations I do that.  In his case, it was one of the best decisions I ever made – for both of us. 

Stoicism can help us survive certain situations, but in some cases, it can also harm – not only ourselves, but those we care for. 

And I know you know this : )

Take care,

PS - INFP - I can see that.  Another INTJ here.
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Re: Snakes
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2008, 08:49:25 PM »
Ahhh... when our defenses stop working for us.... and become part of our problems.

So difficult to figure out, FP.

 How wonderful you did.

That kitty is a dear friend to you. 

There's no replacing a friendship, I understand....

and about the poo.


I think I'd take the spiders.... if I didn't get bit too often, lol.

As is... I have a very busy kitty box down the hall from my bedroom and the dog likes to spend time playing in it :shock:


Sounds like you have no shortage of animals to love you.

I'm busily savoring time with my wee ones, as well.

Enjoy and check your box every once and again, K?



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Re: Snakes
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2008, 10:38:43 AM »
I've got this toilet in the master bedroom and the part where the hose connects (the plastic part) has broken.  Can a replacement part be bought and what tools do I need to fix it?  My other toilet also leaks and I'm thinking that it might be a gasket but I'm not so sure. Oh wait, is this place not for this kind of advice?


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Re: Snakes
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2008, 01:27:07 PM »

Hi FP,

Stoicism can help us survive certain situations, but in some cases, it can also harm – not only ourselves, but those we care for. 

I'm just curious.  Bo stoicism, do you mean that you cover over your emotions and mostly exhibit behaviors born from the rational part of your mind?  I have a niece who is rather stoic.  Not much registers in facial expression or body language to the person who has not studied body language.  I've known her from birth and In adolescence, I know she was rather expressive, and even rebellious.  I guess I'm agreeing with your above statement.  Once I'd like to see her break out of her stoic shell and reveal the other good and enjoyable parts of herself. 



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Re: Snakes
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2008, 02:03:19 PM »

I've been dealing with a similar problem for a good year or more. Every once in awhile -- usually at a great time, like Christmas -- things ... back up. Boy, have I had some messes!

After a lot of experimentation, I found something at Lowes (Home depot would probably have it) that helps almost all the time. It's a black plunger, but the whole thing is one piece of plastic, and instead of a rubber ball on the end it has a bulb with accordion folds. I use it on the toilet and it generally helps. Usually take between 15-20 plunges, depending on the severity of the situation. You can look this method up online -- that's how I learned to do it really well.

I also got something I thought didn't work, but lately has worked quite well. It's called Main Line Cleaner. You put it in and let it sit, which might be hard with kids ... but it helped a lot. It's totally organic -- just bacteria -- so you don't have to worry about anything.

I live in fear of flushing my toilet!!

Good luck!


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Re: Snakes
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2008, 07:43:40 PM »

There used to be one of those cool black plungers 2 stories above where my potties are. 

Last time I ran the stairs for it..... it wasn't there.

So.... had to learn to use the snake and it's on my floor so.....

that's what I'm stickin with.

I agree though... that type is better than the little ball ones.

Sorry you fear the flush. 

Who needs that added stress?


« Last Edit: June 06, 2008, 10:45:15 AM by lighter »