Dear Lise, Carolyn and Changing,
For me, I am ready for a new chapter in my life. The board saved my life. Dr G will always be the 'best" as far as I am concerned. I wish I could pay him back ,in some tangible way, beyond words. I owe him my life.
My M took away most of my trust in myself. What she didn't take, my H did. Then, they did, together.
The board helped me to express myself.
When I think about my 3D groups, I guess the feelings were the same, but they were not as open as the board. That was my question.Are 3D groups and the board the same, essentially, underneath?
When I went in to a shell, in my early teens, I had just seen the movie"Last Summer" with Barbera Hershey. It was about power and the dire consequences when you lose yours. I vowed never to lose mine,but I did, very badly.
Now, I am back to that decision point I left in my teens. It REALLY is about my own power. What a road.
I found God from being denuded. It was worth every last bit of pain .It was the smallest price to pay for the enormity of Him.
Now, I want to naviagate 3D, with all that entails, as "me", not the perfect me, the real one. Love Ami