Author Topic: Martha Stout -- The Sociopath Next Door (excerpt)  (Read 7448 times)


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Martha Stout -- The Sociopath Next Door (excerpt)
« on: June 12, 2008, 11:45:28 AM »
Once again for the sake of understanding the sociopath, since this topic is up, here is some more info:

Martha Stout -- The Sociopath Next Door

Here is an excerpt:

Since it is simply not possible to steal and have for
oneself the most valuable "possessions" of another personalty---
intelligence, success, a strong character --- the covetous sociopath set-
tles for besmirching or damaging enviable qualities in others so that
they will not have them, either, or at least not be able to enjoy them
so much. As Millon says, "Here, the pleasure lies in taking rather than having.

The covetous sociopath thinks that life has cheated her some-
how, has not given her nearly the same bounty as other people, and
promise, she must even the existential score by robbing people,
by secretly causing destruction in other lives.
She believes she has been slighted by nature, circumstances, and destiny, and that diminishing other
people is her only means of being powerful. ~ Retribution, usually
against people who have no idea that they have been targeted, is the
most important activity in the covetous sociopath's life, her highest priority.

Since this clandestine power game is priority number one all
the covetous sociopath's deceitfulness and tolerance for risk are
devoted to it. For the sake of the game, she may devise schemes and
perform acts that most of us would consider outrageous and potentially
self-destructive, in addition to cruel. And yet when'such a person
is around us in our lives, even on a daily basis, we often
oblivious to her activities. We do not expect to see a person direct a
dangerous, vicious vendetta against someone who in most cases has done
nothing wrong to hurt or offend her. We do not expect it so we do not see it -
even when it happens to someone we know - or too us personally.

The actions taken by the covetous sociopath are often so outlandish, and
so gratuitously mean, that we refuse to believe they were intentional,
or even that they happened at all. In this way, her true nature is usually
invisible to the group. She' can easily hide in plain sight.

The covetous sociopath is the ultimate wolf in'sheep's clothing.