I also agree with SS and ann3. I support ann3's perspective that lighter regularly posts snarky remarks and further state that she fans the flames of conflicts on the one hand, and then steps aside and begins separate conversations on innocuous subjects on the other.
If that was all there is to it, I could disregard the behavior. However, I find that every time I log on to the board, I am tensed up anticipating whether lighter will once again find that time and circumstances are ripe to conduct completely unrestrained campaign against perceived offenders as she did for several weeks in December. At that time, in post after post she characterized her target as evil, perverted, conniving, seductive, twisted, plotting, not worthy of anything good, lying, conspiring and characterizing herself as the defender of the innocent who must scourge the board of evil that the poor blind, vulnerable sheep could not see and on and on and on. The vile and vindictive fuzzy-wuzzy post was merely the culmination of a series of posts all in the same vein. All of these posts were characterized as 'creative problem solving' or earnest efforts to creatively address unflattering issues. I don't think so. Call if what you may. I call it verbal abuse and accompanying minimizing of verbale abuse. And then a quick step to another post to begin a separate discussion of drinking cocoa by the fire.
I was completely retraumatized just reading here.
Bottom line: I cannot know that I can be safe from verbal abuse here. Rather, the reverse. I have seen demonstrated evidence that other posters are not safe from verbal abuse here. In my past I have been a target, for my flaws and failings. I find I still have plenty of flaws and failings. What could prevent me from once again becoming a target? Particularly if I speak my piece?
Yet to not speak my piece, what am I doing here?
Am I referring to ancient history, done deals, old conflict? I don't think it's out of date at all. I see no change, no acknowledgment, no rapprochement. Many times, in my own life, I have attributed remorse, insight, change of heart and learning to my verbal abuser. There would be a quiet period where he was particularly charming and charismatic. And then the cycle repeated.
This board has a lot of good things about it and a lot of good people. And lighter, you have a lot to offer and have helped many a poster deal with DV issues.
But I think I've got to go.