Dear Lise,
I'm so glad the article was good for you. It helped me, too... and I'm very glad to read you this morning!
Thanks for missing me, yesterday. It's definitely nice to be missed... and valued.
This is important stuff, I think. Letting go of control over other peoples' vision and choices, relying upon ourselves to to define our selves,
learning that we really will survive the waves of misunderstanding and disagreement, and that it really is okay to say - enough.
It can be really hard knowing when to say, "when"... but I'm determined not to cue in on it only once my cup is brimming over with pain.
So all of this releasing of expectations and adjustment of perspective fits in with a new awareness of what's really important to each of us as an individual... to me, personally... and... to what do we really want to devote our time, attention, and energy.
Hanging on to expectations makes me reactive, instead of pro-active... that's what I'm learning.
And it's time to change that.
Thank you so much for sharing with me about your speaking last night. I really understand all the shades of attitude you described.... and the emotions that come along with it. Thankfully God knows we're earthen vessels, right?

The harder I try not to, the more I'm bound to think about.... ME, too! lol
But you know... when I start thinking about all the many failures and slips, I remember that sometimes the most important thing - - - okay, maybe ALWAYS the most important thing - - - is just to s h o w u p.
And you did that... with colors flying... you showed up, heart and all. That's what those people saw and knew and appreciated.
Just like I've always appreciated you, no matter what.
Thanks for being here,