Author Topic: Has anyone had experiencce with skin cancer?......  (Read 4723 times)

Certain Hope

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Re: Has anyone had experiencce with skin cancer?......
« Reply #30 on: June 22, 2008, 09:47:19 PM »
Oh, Izzy... well,  I am really determined to pay more attention and to be more intentional... mindful choices, you know... consistently...

and you are special to me, so I must write down dates and not trust memory.

Just don't make me give up my dotdotdots for the sake of correct punctuation!   :lol:



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Re: Has anyone had experiencce with skin cancer?......
« Reply #31 on: June 22, 2008, 11:56:39 PM »

Well Carolyn Lookkee There

When enlarged our dots become squares

Does that.......... make us squares...................... or dotty??

No I am not giving up my dots either.... This is wonderful.

I am really determined to pay more attention and to be more intentional... mindful choices, you know... consistently...

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"

Certain Hope

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Re: Has anyone had experiencce with skin cancer?......
« Reply #32 on: June 23, 2008, 08:36:54 AM »
Izzy!   I don't know how to make my dots into squares!!   lol 

You know how to do all the cool stuff  :D  and I will enjoy being a dotty square with you, anyday!

Hey, yesterday I learned how to alphabetize my favorites folders in Vista.  I was so proud  :P

You don't run Vista, do you?  If not, and just in case you ever wondered whether it's as idiotic as "they" say . . . . .

YES, it is!     and that is all my news for now.

Hope you have a wonderful day, deer Iz.
